Hello, first I would like to say thanks for this awsome extension, becouse this extension i'ts making my website possible
So let's go to the point, I would like to know if it's possible to build a field that:
*Allow multiple values
*Every Value it's a <li></li>
*Open in a popup (thirdy part)
*Content of the poup: Title of the <li>, Three selection fields with diferent names followed by the link
I cant figure out how to do this... I dont know if I can make it with just one super custom field (lol), or if I can make with some changes on the template
thats it, I could give an example, this site
have what I want to do, look for "Episódios" and click on the Blue Squares with numbers and there you are, i know how to do it in css and html, but I really need this to be build with FLEXIcontent making it easy to add to the article, so any user will be capable of write a post on my site with that function