Hello everybody
I am planning to build a multi-category and multi-content-type portal.
I want to have a subject/type matrix.
For example: In subject category "cars" I want to have record of various type like "car offers", "car sellers", "articles about cars" and "forum entries from section cars". Lets call this Y axis of the matrix.
On the X axis I want to have records of specific type but from different categories. For example filterable by category sellers or offers or articles from all categories.
I am trying with Flexicontent, because I have read this:
The main concept introduced by FLEXIcontent is "content types".
and this:
"Unlike most components, there is absolutely no logical connection between types and categories. Thus, a category can collect different types of elements."
in the Features > Content types.
However, when I started to setup I have a problem, because if the main concept is content types, why there is no menu type to make a listing of all records by one content type from all categories ?
It seems, like I have to make "type categories" assign content types to them and then make "subject categories" and assign all items to both categories. Is that right ?
Please give me some hints how should I do this.
Kind regards