Feedback on FlexiContent 2.1.3 (r1857) on Joomla 3.2

10 years 11 months ago #46249 by rubenreyes
Hello guys

We finally made the switch to Joomla 3. We installed the latest stable version of Flexicontent (2.1.3 r1857).

Based on the work we have done so far we have compiled some feedback. Some things might be actual bugs, other maybe things changed placed and we are doing it wrong, maybe you have been notified... In any case, I hope this is useful.

1. Tooltips on pagination links
This is rather annoying, the pagination links include the class="hasTooltip". We cannot find a way to eliminate this class.

Also, some tooltip-related script is loaded at the top of the page even when "Load mootools tooltips" is set to No:
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.hasTooltip').tooltip({"html": true,"container": "body"}); });

2. Other needless script loaded
The following script is added on category pages, for what seems to be items submissions and filters, both of which are disabled:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#adminForm input:not(.fc_autosubmit_exclude), #adminForm select:not(.fc_autosubmit_exclude)").on("change", function() { var form=document.getElementById("adminForm"); adminFormPrepare(form, 1); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#adminForm .fc_button.button_reset").on("click", function() { jQuery("#adminForm_filter_box .use_select2_lib").select2("val", ""); }); });

Filtering scripts are loaded even when not in use in the category:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var strings = {"FLEXI_APPLYING_FILTERING":"Applying Filtering","FLEXI_TYPE_TO_LIST":"... type to list","FLEXI_TYPE_TO_FILTER":" ... type to filter"}; if (typeof Joomla == 'undefined') { Joomla = {}; Joomla.JText = strings; } else { Joomla.JText.load(strings); } })(); </script>

as well as loading some "common template" scripts that also seem to be unnecessary since we are not using the common templates:
<script src="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/tmpl-common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

3. Needless scripts in item pages
The following scripts are loaded in items pages. We are not displaying voting fields, and don't want any tooltips
window.addEvent('domready', function() { $$('.hasTip').each(function(el) { var title = el.get('title'); if (title) { var parts = title.split('::', 2);'tip:title', parts[0]);'tip:text', parts[1]); } }); var JTooltips = new Tips($$('.hasTip'), {"maxTitleChars": 50,"fixed": false}); }); var fcfav_rfolder = ''; var fcfav_text=Array( 'Your browser does not support Ajax', 'loading', 'Added to your favourites', 'You need to login to favour this item. It will be added to your personal Favourites list.', 'Removed from your favourites', 'users' ); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.hasTooltip').tooltip({"html": true,"container": "body"}); });

4. Unable to remove "Uncategorized" from breadcrumbs
In the past we have used the following settings to avoid showing "Uncategorized" in breadcrumbs:

In the item's Menu Item:
- Start to add parents at depth: Level 1
- Add item to pathway: No

In the Uncategorised category parameters:
- Category Info & Options > Create Pathway Automatically: No

5. Buggy "Toggle Image Selector"
When clicking on "Toggle Image Selector" (image field) nothing happens. However, if I click on the Alt text textbox and then click on "Toggle Image Selector" it works!

6. Voting field styles and scripts loaded in items even when not in use
The following code is found in items even when voting field is not used in template:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/fcvote.css" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> .voting .fcvote {line-height:16px;} .voting .fcvote-label {margin-right: 6px;} .voting .fcvote ul {height:16px; position:relative !important; left:0px !important;} .voting .fcvote ul, .voting .fcvote ul li a:hover, .voting .fcvote ul li.current-rating {background-image:url(/components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/star-small.png)!important;} .voting .fcvote ul li a, .voting .fcvote ul li.current-rating {height:16px;line-height:16px;} .fcvote li a.star1 { width: 20%; z-index: 6; } .fcvote li a.star2 { width: 40%; z-index: 5; } .fcvote li a.star3 { width: 60%; z-index: 4; } .fcvote li a.star4 { width: 80%; z-index: 3; } .fcvote li a.star5 { width: 100%; z-index: 2; } </style> <script src="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/fcvote.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/fcfav.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I know this is a lot, but I hope it is helpful.


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10 years 11 months ago #46251 by ggppdk

-- about v2.1.3 r1857 bug-fixes several things,

but you will be stunned with performance of v2.2.0 in large web-sites ... (if you extract from SVN please do not use yet in live web-sites, it has some bugs!)

also in v2.2.0 fixes
a. the freeze in component parameters because of chosen JS lib
b. also the CSS styling of parameters

-- i have sent you an email a month ago about the fields that you authored, but you have not answered me

please send me a PM with an email that read often ;)

1. Tooltips on pagination links


this is added by Joomla, but it is not related to mootools!! "hasTip" is related by mootols,

any idea how to avoid , we just render the joomla pagination ? (at some point in the past we extended an override JPagination, thus we can do anything, but we override only 1-2 functions of JPagination, if in the above class we override the links creation function , then we break SH404SEF page links)

so currently we do override that function and instead we use Joomla default function of the JPagination class !

2. Other needless script loaded

jQuery("#adminForm input:not(.fc_autosubmit_exclude)... this handles filtering forms (filtering module, category view, search view)

so it is not item form !!,
and we need it
and it creates no performance issue

3. + 6. Voting field styles and scripts loaded in items even when not in use

the above is also your number 3

some is creating a voting fields, is the above in item view ?? for compatibility reasons with old templates, ALL fields are created in item view, maybe we must change this default setting, but we wanted to avoid MANY people posting here ... after upgrading ...

-- please go to FLEXIcontent component settings, and inside the first TAB "Options" , find parameter Always create field HTML
and set it to only when needed
now the voting field will be created only if you add it in a template position, or as custom field, in univesal module , or as custom field in search view listings

5. Buggy "Toggle Image Selector"
When clicking on "Toggle Image Selector" (image field) nothing happens. However, if I click on the Alt text textbox and then click on "Toggle Image Selector" it works!

i will test this , if i can not replicate then i will ask you test in local joomla test installation with v2.2.0 r1881+ ?

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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10 years 11 months ago #46285 by rubenreyes
Thank you for the reply. I will review it in detail.

One more thing I forgot to add to the list:

7. Flexicontent fields scripts load before Joomla jQuery

We have a couple Flexicontent fields that rely on jQuery for functioning. We have noticed that the scripts from those fields load before Joomla jQuery... for instance:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/css/fcvote.css" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> .voting .fcvote {line-height:16px;} .voting .fcvote-label {margin-right: 6px;} .voting .fcvote ul {height:16px; position:relative !important; left:0px !important;} .voting .fcvote ul, .voting .fcvote ul li a:hover, .voting .fcvote ul li.current-rating {background-image:url(/components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/star-small.png)!important;} .voting .fcvote ul li a, .voting .fcvote ul li.current-rating {height:16px;line-height:16px;} .fcvote li a.star1 { width: 20%; z-index: 6; } .fcvote li a.star2 { width: 40%; z-index: 5; } .fcvote li a.star3 { width: 60%; z-index: 4; } .fcvote li a.star4 { width: 80%; z-index: 3; } .fcvote li a.star5 { width: 100%; z-index: 2; } </style> <script src="/media/system/js/mootools-core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/system/js/core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/system/js/mootools-more.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/fcfav.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/components/com_flexicontent/assets/js/fcvote.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/plugins/flexicontent_fields/ignitegallery/assets/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/plugins/flexicontent_fields/ignitegallery/assets/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/plugins/flexicontent_fields/ignitegallery/assets/jquery.smooth-scroll.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/jui/js/jquery-migrate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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10 years 11 months ago #46306 by rubenreyes
Thank you for the response. I changed the Flexicontent component settings "Always create field HTML" to "Never unless it is in a template position" and it removed all the unnecessary css and js from the pages.

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10 years 11 months ago #46316 by jrodgar
In case you are still getting errors because of point 4, have you tried adding "Uncategorized" on the plugin "Flexicontent Advanced Routing", Hide categories (yes), on Categories.

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Joomla 3.8.1

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10 years 11 months ago #46319 by rubenreyes
Oh thank you! I forgot about that step! It is working now

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