How to change item view

11 years 1 week ago #45498 by joomla_user

What would be the right way to change Item view ?
Lets say i want to diplay additional data (not fields)
per item (i.e. what version it is or some other info)
As far as i know there is a .php file for display item form at the backend and also a .php file to edit item form on the frontend, but how do i edit the item view for frontend users (not editors..)
I came across modular.php in the item_layouts folder
but im not sure thats the file ..


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11 years 1 week ago #45506 by Fuzzy
Replied by Fuzzy on topic How to change item view
You have found the common template for item view. It's in the components\com_flexicontent\tmpl_common\item_layouts\tmpl_common folder

If you are using html5 view use the modular_html5.php file.

Now all you have to do, is to copy the code from this file and paste it into the \components\com_flexicontent\templates\ either item.php or item_html5.php ,depending on what type of view you are using. Modify the code to suit to your needs.

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11 years 1 week ago #45524 by micker
Replied by micker on topic How to change item view
perfect !
we need to update tuto

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11 years 1 week ago #45525 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic How to change item view

actually someone following the tutorial, will edit item.php and will find inside it message to do the above

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