Custom Tab label for each article by a single template!

11 years 1 week ago #45476 by channelriyas

Thanks for developing this awesome extension!

I am new with FlexiContent, I curious to know how can assign different labels for each article tabs(to show in front-end view) from article edit(item edit). so I can use a single template for lot of articles, please advice me!

Joomla 3.2
FlexiContent 2.1.2 r1806 beta


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11 years 1 week ago #45479 by ggppdk

go to template TAB of the FLEXIcontent item (article) form,

the change template from:
Type Default :: template-name

to be:

then the template parameters will appear and you can set custom labels

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11 years 1 week ago #45480 by channelriyas
Thanks for your quick reply!
Sorry I am little confused, Attached screen is my template TAB of the FLEXIcontent item (article), here I already duplicated default template to custom type, if its right where I get the parameters to add custom label?, please help me.

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11 years 1 week ago #45481 by ggppdk

your picture is showing the FLEXIcontent template layout editor, which allows you to place fields into (category/item) template layout positions

To set the labels of the TABs:

-1- Go to "types" backend manager, and edit your content types, select a template (bottom, right) and set default TAB labels (click to open the slider with the template parameter)

e.g. you have selected template "template-name"

-2- then for every content (=item = article) go to "items" backend manager, edit any of your items, there is a TAB inside the ITEM EDIT FORM that you allows you to set override template parameters

change template from:
Type Default :: template-name

to be:

then the template parameters will appear and you can set custom labels , yes set custom labels PER ITEM


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11 years 1 week ago #45484 by channelriyas
Thanks ggppdk, I got it, this attached type change you mean, Its very very helpful.

in future versions expecting this custom label editing option(field) at tab content editor(on each corresponding tabs) so users can easily change it.

Again thanks for making quick and excellent support :) !

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11 years 1 week ago #45485 by ggppdk

please explain,
you suggest changing title / label of something ? to make it more clear ?

Or a new parameter to force articles to be alway in template override mode ?

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