[server issue] Unable to edit the items from the front end

11 years 5 months ago #40520 by boniaditya
When i try to edit an item from the front-end - the item view opens up. I can see the BASIC CONTENT TYPE PUBLISHING META tab - after i make the necessary changes to the article i try to publish it but then i get this error message -

You don't have permission to access /index.php/component/flexicontent/ on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache Server at www.appliedvocabulary.com Port 80

I don't understand why i get this message - i am the super user and i should be able to access the site

Could you please tell me what i could have done wrong?

I could edit the item from the backend of the site and i also get a message

Please note, your new document version might need to be reviewed and approved. This may depend on the content's category AND/OR the content's type. You will be notified whether approval is needed, after you save this content.

at the top of the item when i open it to edit in the front - end; but in the backend settings i have taken care that the super user is given proper rights to publish items without requiring any approval!

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11 years 5 months ago #40530 by micker
hello ... your flexicontent version
check your permission...
some override on form ?
can you send url and user code to test it ?

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11 years 5 months ago #40531 by boniaditya
HI i have found something -

www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... c&start=10

someone faced the same problem previously and i think i have same problem thought the back end is working fine i would like to know what changes i have to make - i mean which files do i have to edit
or others???

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11 years 5 months ago #40536 by ggppdk

one reason for this could be because of the .htaccess URL rewritting

try this:

backup your .htaccess file and use the original from Joomla installation package

if this does not work you can send me a PM to check for a possible bug


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11 years 5 months ago #40537 by boniaditya
Yes I replaced .htaccess file with the one i retrieved from a fresh joomla install but there is no change.
I get the same error messages when i try to edit from the front end but the backend is fine!

I would have been at peace if both the front-end and the back-end behaved similarly i.e. both fail

but i don't understand what is causing this!

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11 years 5 months ago #40542 by boniaditya
I kind of found the problem.

The problem is not with the .htaccess files
It is not the problem with the permissions but i think the problem is with the flexi content fields;

I have included a new text area with html editor field - i was actually trying to duplicate the original description field but it was not possible so i created something that would look like it - i created the text area field and included a html editor in the options and the editor i used was the jck editor!

Please look at the figure attached - the first editor is the description while the second editor is created using the flexi field.

When i put content only in the description(i.e. the first editor) i can save it without any problems - but if i try to add or remove content from the second editor - the one created with flexicontent - i get a forbidden error! as long as the content is just plain text it is ok but the moment i try to embed content or i try to embed pictures it does shows error when i try to save it! 403 forbidden no access

I interesting part however is that it works fine from the backend - when i open up the article for editing in the back end i can add or remove anything to the second html container and it would work fine!

[attachment=0:2ix1bqgb]<!-- ia0 -->shots Administration Edit item.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2ix1bqgb]

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