Joomfish or Falang translate field values

11 years 10 months ago #36494 by fenixjunior
Hello, is it possible with Falang (or Joomfish) translate also the values of custom fields? I have in Flexicontent my custom Items composed of various custom fields, but Falang doesn´t give me a possibility to translate the values of that fields in specific Item. I don´t see that fields in Item (there are only joomla default fields).
Thank you

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11 years 10 months ago #36514 by grabit
You need to install the content elements ply-ins for Falang here

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11 years 10 months ago #36520 by fenixjunior
Yes I have it, but I still have not that possibility. I can only translate the field names, but not the values (texts).

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11 years 10 months ago #36529 by ggppdk
the values of text field are tranlated NOT by using falang !!

- You need to do it the Joomla way:

1. Create 2 content items :
one with language e.g. English and one with language e.g. French

2. If your main language is English then declare inside the French item the english item as the original content being translated

-- then you need to delete any translations you made with Falang for Content Items


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11 years 10 months ago #36540 by fenixjunior
OK, thank you, now I know. I hoped that falang can do it.

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11 years 10 months ago #36612 by fenixjunior
Maybe, if it was there a possibility to assign a language to fields ;-)

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