How to modify code rendered for read more (readmore)

15 years 1 month ago #3263 by status101
One day I hope I can help others here, but for the moment I am back asking question :oops:

I have been trying to modify the styling of the "read more" link for my blog category view.

Generally it would be a Joomla template job, but I want to use a 3 stage sliding doors technique for the button, and it requires that I wrap up the read more link in spans etc... then style it with css. I have this technique working for other buttons/links on the site so the css/templating is not the issue.

What I cannot work out, is where the code that renders the read more link is? I have read the Joomla docs, and tried a template override on the com_content files that I found here:

but when I check the rendered page with Firebug, none of my changes are include. I have also searched the files in com_flexicontent but have not yet been able to find anything.

Is the read more link something that is rendered my FlexiContent? And if so.. where? Or am I off to search more?

Any help/thoughts would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

I have managed to get a 2 stage (hover only) button just styling the css, which really is ok, but I would still like to understand flexicontent better, so if anyone knows, that’s great, but it is nothing urgent now.. just knowledge.

Another Read More Question

Does flexicontent support "Register to read more" functionality? Joomla suggests setting the 'article' to "Registered" then in the menu parameters - component, set "Show Unauthorized Links" to Yes.. thereby showing the intro text in the blog category view, and "Register to read more" is the users is not logged in. I would like to replicate this functionality if possible with FlexiContent.

Any thoughts or ideas again appreciated

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14 years 10 months ago #6395 by mahidhar
"Does flexicontent support "Register to read more" functionality? Joomla suggests setting the 'article' to "Registered" then in the menu parameters - component, set "Show Unauthorized Links" to Yes.. thereby showing the intro text in the blog category view, and "Register to read more" is the users is not logged in. I would like to replicate this functionality if possible with FlexiContent."

I am also looking for similar functionality with FlexiContent. Does any one have an idea on how to implement this in FelxiContent? Thanks.

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14 years 10 months ago #6399 by yopyop001

You can find this in the global configuration of Flexicontent.

'Show unauthorized links', 'login page' (for redirection).


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14 years 10 months ago #6418 by mahidhar
Thanks a lot. I believe this feature is stable version. I am still using beta version. I will upgrade to stable version and check it out.

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14 years 5 months ago #10263 by donsacrosanto

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12 years 8 months ago #26224 by carlinchisart
HI all,

I'm sorry this topic is old, but i have one problem, i want to display the title of article after read more option. like this

read more article title,

so i search and found this topic, but i don't understand if this solution can i do, and how can i do.

thanks for all.

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