Plugin to retrieve users list?

15 years 1 month ago #2815 by mett

I'm looking for a plugin or something similar to retrieve users list when i create a new field. What i need is to show a dropdown list box with existing users so an editor should choose one or multiple users form list. I have over 2000 users so i cannot add each user in dropdown...

How can i do that?

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15 years 1 month ago #2818 by yopyop001

If i have well understood :

You can use the field 'Select Multiple' with the parameter 'use SQL Query' to yes and 'field elements' with the query
SELECT id as value, username as text from #__users
SELECT id as value, name as text from #__users

You can add some lines in your query to order the list for example.

In the form, when you 'll add an item, you'll have a multiple select list whith all the users of your site.


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14 years 11 months ago #5753 by Nudles
Hello I've a problem.
I want to built a field with a select list of countries. I have a list, jos_joomcountries with 245 Countries.
But when I put in the code

SELECT id AS value, title AS text FROM #_joomcountries

this error
Either the query is not correct or does not deliver results
is in the form.
Sorry I am not a programmer, only a sailer. Learning by doing :roll:

Someone can help me?

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14 years 11 months ago #5759 by yopyop001

Can you see in PhpMyadmin what is the name of your table fields?

May be for country you will not have id and title but something else.

After looking that, you can do :
SELECT xx AS value, yy AS text FROM #_joomcountries

where xx can be the primary_key of the row (may be ISO code for country) and yy the name of the country.

I hope it helps.


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14 years 11 months ago #5766 by Nudles
Hi, thanks for your quick responze.

the primary key is the id field from 1-245
code field for iso (like DE, GB, aso)
and title for the country

I played arround but everytime no result, nothing displayed.

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14 years 11 months ago #5768 by yopyop001
That's strange,

Does the queries
SELECT id AS value, title AS text FROM jos_joomcountries
SELECT code AS value, title AS text FROM jos_joomcountries

return values in PhpMyadmin?

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