sh404sef not working correctly after upgrade to fc 1.5.4?

13 years 11 months ago #14903 by gcprnet
I use sh404sef (
After upgrade to FC 1.5.4 none of the urls in my category-view-pages work anymore. Every link that is supposed to point to an article now points to the categoy. The only thing that helped was renaimg the com_flexicontent.php file in the sef_ext directory with the result that links set to flexicontent-pages with JCE don't work anymore. I tried all possible settings but with no success. Also the option to include a unique id to the url to support news-sites like google news doesn't work anymore.
Can anyone confirm this and if yes, does anyone know how to get around this behavior?

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13 years 11 months ago #14906 by micker
on feature of flexicontent 1.5.4
i read this

SEO Reworked sh404 plugin to optimize the generated url on sh404 v2. Fully joomfish compatible and authorize the short url (PageId) creation. It allows also the creation of SEF url's for items who doesn't have a $cid parameter in the query string.

but i didn't have sh404 licence to test this ...
did you post on sh404 forum ?

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13 years 11 months ago #14908 by gcprnet
No, I din't post it to the sh404sef-forums because it stopped working after I upgraded flexicontent, so I thought it belongs here :)

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13 years 11 months ago #14915 by tbunte
I has the same problem and also deactivate the SH404, to let my livesite running.

I will in next days made a copy of my running system and install it in a testsystem and then try to find more infos.

best regards,

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13 years 11 months ago #14918 by micker
can you do more test to create a explisit issu in bug tracker ?

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13 years 11 months ago #14923 by tbunte
I will try too, but i could look only with "users"-View. Because i was no developer/programmer ;-)

best regards,

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