How to redirect when Flexiaccess restricts access

14 years 1 month ago #13366 by davidosullivan
Hi there, I have reluctantly bought Flexiaccess but am now suffering from the lack of documentation for this product.

What I want to achieve is for Flexiaccess to redirect the user to a subscribe page if they do not have permissions to access an article or category

I presume this is something that can be done with 'Rules' but the section is not very self-explanatory.

I have a category called 'Articles' and a user group called 'Subscribers'. What I need is for FA to redirect the user to a page that promotes subscription.

Please can anyone help me with regards to setting this up.

Thanks in advance


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14 years 1 month ago #13380 by micker
ba patient i do some resarch ... :oops:

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14 years 1 month ago #13392 by davidosullivan
Thanks for looking in to it


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14 years 1 month ago #13403 by yopyop001

In Global Configuration in the COntrol Panel of Flexicontent, you have these paremeters :

Redirections configuration
Show Unauthorised Links (Yes OR No)
Login page (url of the login page)
Unauthorized page

I think you are looking for this parameter (Unauthorized page). Here you can write the url of yours subscriptions plans.

I hope it will help you


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14 years 1 month ago #13534 by davidosullivan
Hi there,

Things have developed a bit now.

Now what I need to do specifically is restrict access only to specific fields in a type.

In my example what I want to achieve specifically is restrict the 'Full Text' field to 'Subscribers'.

I have set this to work this way in the field 'Manage Permissions' but it does not seem to be working in every type of display. For example it works when I have a menu link that links to an item, but not when I have a category list of items.

Then what I want is that instead of displaying nothing it displays instead information about the subscriptions available with a link to the AEC subscription page.

I basically have this achieved using other components (Mighty Extensions) but I desperately want to move to FlexiContent as it is simply in another league, M.E. is just a constant battle against their shoddy programming.

So if you would like a future loyal customer and tips you could give would be most appreciated.

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14 years 1 month ago #13546 by micker
actualy you can't restrict acces on specifique field

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