Menus Links Randomly Route to Login Page

14 years 3 months ago #11792 by murrayzz1
I have just installed Flexi-Content, and I have imported the Joomla structure, bound the FC Items to the content and rebuilt the menus so that each menu item is linked to an FC item. I have unpublished all the com_content Articles so that only FC is active.

The problem that I have got is that only a few of the menu links work. All other links connect to the Login Page, even though none of the content on the site requires login.

I tried setting "Show Unauthorised Links" in Global Configuration to "yes", but this had no effect. The permissions on the Items that these menu items link to are all set so that Public can view.

Why is FC requiring a log in? And how can I turn this off?

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14 years 3 months ago #11802 by micker
do you have a link to see this problem ?
in fact post screenshot of
menu configuration
categorie (flexi)table

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14 years 2 months ago #12624 by carolinamama
I'm having the exact same problem. Installed FC tonight, only had a couple articles up so far, nothing complicated to unpublish or delete previously existing content. Created 2 articles via FC, tried to make a menu link, and it's going to a login-required screen.

All articles, categories, and general config are set to public, I even triple checked, reset and resaved. Other than myself as admin, no user registration will ever be required with my site, so this is driving me a little nuts. :D

If one of the admins want to look @ the back-end, lmk and I'll pm the login.


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14 years 2 months ago #12625 by carolinamama
Just for the fun of it, I just set up an entirely new install of Joomla (on a subdirectory) and then immediately installed FC, no content to even import just started w/ new files within FC, and menu is still routing to empty (with category link) and login (with item link). I really really want to use FC, and I know there's gotta be an easy fix here! Any suggestions?

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