How do I display all items of all sub categories?

14 years 3 months ago #11654 by pjdevries
Is there a way to display all items of all sub categories of a category recursively?

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14 years 3 months ago #11686 by micker
hello when you created your link to categorie selected subcategorie option for display all (in right panel)

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14 years 3 months ago #11689 by pjdevries
Thanks for the reply.

when you created your link to categorie

I'm not sure which link you mean. I can find only one setting that affects the display of subcategories, which is parameter "Display subcategories' items" under "Parameters: layout common" on the Edit Category page. However, setting it to "Yes" only displays one additional level. My category structure has three levels and I want to display all items of all three levels.

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14 years 3 months ago #11693 by micker
it's very hard for serveur to display 3 categories ...
i didn't thinks it's possible ... maybe it modifi core file but not recommended

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14 years 3 months ago #11897 by sospixs

Wow this is a big problem for me now .
I used Flexicontent to show up around 1000 products in each categories / sub catgories

This is my structure
SHOP <-- Root Category
Ready to eat
Soup mixes
Dried soup mix
Soup cubes
--Instant noodles

----Main course
Bean curd & soy products
Oil & vinegar
Spice mixes

The problem is when customer need to search a product
from all categories in my shop ,How can they do ?

I hope next version of Flexicontent could do this.
Flexicontent is the most favor component for me .
I Love IT. :)

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14 years 3 months ago #11905 by micker
post your request in forum for request ... maybe in futur

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