Social Share boutons sur le contenu FLEXI

11 years 5 months ago #39498 by mehdi09

J'essaie désespérement de trouver un plugin de partage sur les réseaux sociaux qui fonctionne avec le composant FLEXICONTENT

J'ai essayé avec ITPSocialButtons, mais ceux ci ne s'affichent pas sur les articles FLEXICONTENT.

En revanche, ils marchent bien sur les articles de base Joomla.

J'ai lu votre FAQ à ce sujet qui décrit la méthodologie.

Un lien vers le site exemple que je teste: ... ook/2-test



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11 years 5 months ago #39500 by ggppdk

FLEXIcontent has built-in support in our toolbar field

also in v2.1.0, we have updated the field to have more capabilities:

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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11 years 5 months ago #39501 by mehdi09
Okay, thanks a lot, I didn't see it.
It's very good !!

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11 years 5 months ago #39502 by ggppdk

also flexicontent has built-in voting plugin

you should disable the joomla voting (Content) plugin to avoid having voting displayed twice in your pages

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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