Depuis le passage a J4.4.1 plus aucun intitulés dans FLEXI

1 year 3 months ago #84675 by sorgina
Je viens de passer à Joomla 4.4.1 sur plusieurs sites et pour tous depuis cette mise à jour je n'ai plus les intitulés dans FLEXI 4.2.1. Comme je ne sais pas comment l'expliquer voici des captures d'écran :



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1 year 3 months ago #84677 by micker
hello c'est un bug coté joomla il va falloire attendre un correctif

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1 year 3 months ago #84678 by sorgina

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1 year 3 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #84679 by HenkKV
Hi, I have the same issue. I took a look at github issue. #42416

I quote: SniperSister commented Nov 29, 2023 The problem is indeed related to the security-fix. We had to change the parsing mode of PHP's ini methods to fix a security vector. The NORMAL mode used so far allowed linebreaks within multiline i18n strings, where the now used RAW mode does not. We tested the change on various testing and production sites before release, however the specific issue was overlooked as none of the test sites used language files with linebreaks within strings and the documentation of the method on does not mention that behavior.Reverting the mode change is not an option as the attack vector would be re-opened again, so the proper way forward is indeed to update the line breaks.So it seems something must be done in Flexicontent.
I found a suggestion it is about "/n", "/r" in the language files:
Removing linebreaks got the language constants translated. Hopefully the JED Checker and FPA can be updated to report language files that have linebreaks. The JED Checker can check extensions even after they have been installed.
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by HenkKV.

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1 year 3 months ago #84681 by micker
hello i update language file and push automatic update

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1 year 3 months ago - 1 year 3 months ago #84683 by sorgina
Ça ne veut pas se mettre à jour. J'ai ce message : Mise à jour d'extension non valide.


It won't update. I get this message: Invalid extension update.

Edit : pourquoi mon message est en double ???
Last edit: 1 year 3 months ago by sorgina.

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