Universal module : Nombre d'éléments en fonction d'un filtre dans un item en relation

7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #69676 by id-pop
J'ai deux types de contenus ("partenaires" et "projets") avec les champs suivants :
- Partenaires :
- Type de partenaire : champ checkbox ("financier", "opérationnel")
- Champ relation inversé "projet"
- Projets :
- Type de projet : champ checkbox (valeurs :" formation", "animation")
- Champ relation "Partenaire"
Je souhaite afficher dans un module la liste des partenaires "financier" présents dans des projets de type "formation".
Comment puis-je faire ? Est-ce possible ?
Merci et bonne journée,
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by id-pop.

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7 years 4 months ago #69684 by ggppdk


Inside TAB "Select items"
- Use "Item scope" to show items related via relation field or via relation-reverse field
- then also use the custom fields scope to limit the above found items to "financier"

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7 years 4 months ago #69695 by id-pop
It doesn't work as expected.
As I said, I want to display in a module the list of "financial" partners present in projects of the "training" type.
If I use the item scope, I can display the list of the "financial" partners present in all projects but not in "training" type projects.
I had an idea : create three relation fields : one for each type of project. And display the "financiel" partners in all projects related to one specifid relation field. could it solve the issue ?

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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #69701 by ggppdk

only try relation field or by relation reverse field, does it work ?

then only try filtering by financial , does it work ?

then try to enable both

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Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by ggppdk.

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7 years 4 months ago #69702 by id-pop
The issue is that I have to filter by "training" too... And training filter is in the related items...

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7 years 4 months ago #69704 by ggppdk

i see
then you might want to add the field "training" / "animation" to the other type too

i know that the above is duplicating information,

other option is to create 2 related fields
"Relation for training"
"Relation for animation"

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