ajout d'une image au plugin FCPageNav

11 years 2 weeks ago #45407 by Claire39

je voudrais ajouter une vignette dans la navigation entre différents articles d'une catégorie:

<a>image-titre article précédent - <a>titre article suivant-image

cette image pourrait être insérée soit dans la gestion des menus (Paramètre du type de lien>Image du lien) soit directement dans l'artile (un champ en particulier par exemple?) en fonction de ce qui est faisable.

Pourriez vous m'aider à faire ça?

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45410 by ggppdk

this is of course possible to implement,
and will be nice to have this :-)

-- just now it is not implemented, (if you ask if there is parameter to enable this do)

-- and also the code needed for this is similar to code already used by relation, relation_reverse fields,

but development work to add a feature takes time, have you seen our feature request policy in our FAQ:

About FLEXIcontent feature requests


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11 years 2 weeks ago #45412 by Claire39

I understand that my request could be a new developpement for the future... but it doesn't exist now...

And I'm ready to do it without waiting for a new FC release!

But... could you give me some help?

-and also the code needed for this is similar to code already used by relation, relation_reverse fields

Could you explain a little bit please?

While waiting your answer, I will try to understand something in my php file...

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45416 by ggppdk

And I'm ready to do it without waiting for a new FC release!

ok but you will do it ?
or you mean that i will do it?
(your words you are asking free custom development)

have you read the FAQ article that i gave you above ?, please read it

- further more most of the needed code exists in our FAQ too

Here it is:

$field->nexturl = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($field->next->slug, $field->next->catslug));
$next_item_id = (int)$field->next->slug; $itemmodel_name = FLEXI_J16GE ? 'FlexicontentModelItem' : 'FlexicontentModelItems'; $itemmodel = new $itemmodel_name(); $_next_item = $itemmodel->getItem($next_item_id, $check_view_access=false); $_the_items = array(&$_next_item); FlexicontentFields::getFields($_the_items); FlexicontentFields::getFieldDisplay($_next_item, 'my_image_field', 'display_small'); $field->nextimage = $_next_item->fields['my_image_field']->display_small;

Find this
... .$next_count.'
and change it to be:
... .$next_count.$field->nextimage.'

1. test and --correct-- the code that i have given you
2. Do the similar thing for previous link


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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11 years 2 weeks ago #45433 by Claire39

thank you for your answer :)

when I wrote "And I'm ready to do it without waiting for a new FC release!", I just mean that I want to do it by myself.

I sometimes need help, because it could happend that I don't know how to do a request to the database for example, but I want to try and understand how to solve problems!

I'll try what you suggested me, and if I get best results than what I've already done, I will give here the all script.

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45434 by Claire39
while waiting for you answer, I've tried something like that :

- get the article ID
line 222 if ($field->prev) { $field->previd = $field->prev->id; //here! $field->prevtitle = $field->prev->title; $field->prevurl = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($field->prev->slug, $field->prev->catslug)); } else { $field->previd = '0'; //and here! $field->prevtitle = ''; $field->prevurl = ''; } if ($field->next) { $field->nextid = $field->next->id; //and here! $field->nexttitle = $field->next->title; $field->nexturl = JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($field->next->slug, $field->next->catslug)); } else { $field->nextid = '0'; //and here! $field->nexttitle = ''; $field->nexturl = ''; }
- have a folder in images/ with the thumbnails, named whith the article's ID (17.jpg, 18.jpg....) and a sample image named 0.jpg

- call the image in the prev/next link with the ID of the prev/next article
$html .= ' <a href="'. $field->prevurl .'" class="'. $field->previd .'"> <div class="cinquante btn pagenav_prev' . ($use_tooltip ? ' hasTip' : '') . '"' . ($use_tooltip ? 'title="'.$tooltip_title_prev.'::'.$field->prevtitle.'"' : '') . '> //call the image here! <div class="cinquante miniature"><img src="images/references/vignettes/'. $field->previd .'.jpg"></div> <div class="cinquante lien">' . ( $use_title ? $field->prevtitle : htmlspecialchars($prev_label, ENT_NOQUOTES) ) .$prev_count.' </div> </div> ' ;

It works, but I'll try your solution too.

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