utilisation de Translation group

12 years 6 months ago #27851 by blade3
En fait,

J'ai suivi un tutorial qui disais dans joomla 2.5 je devais faire des catégories et sous-catégorie example:

|-- English

Créer un menu pour chaque langue (3 au total - comprennant le "all" language)

Jusque la tout va bien :-)

Ce qui complique c'Est rendu dans flexicontent V2.0 RC7
J'ai un "translation Group"
que je ne suis pas capable de faire fonctionner..

J'ai 1 item1 qui est dans la sous-catégorie "francais" primary : |--Francais
Category: |--Francais

J'ai bien essayer de "dupliqué" le premier item1 avec le bouton "translate" :

Methode: "Duplicate Original content"
Keep secondary categories: "no"
Keep tags : "no"
Add prefix to title : "[tr ]"
NEW Language : (english)
State : "Do not changed"

primary : |--English
Category: |--English

mais sa ne semble pas bien fonctionner...
Quelqu'un a un tuto pour le changement de langue avec Flexicontent.. ou un totu pour expliquer bien les Translation Groups..

ou bien m'expliquer ce que je ne fais de pas correct :-)


(If you need that i translate my post tell me :-) )

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12 years 6 months ago #27855 by ggppdk
mmm, the translate button also does not create the permission assets (and you will need to click the initial permission creation, but don't worry of it, just click the initial permissions)

besides that you have some other issue with the "duplicating original content" via the Translate button?

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12 years 6 months ago #27861 by blade3
humm... i've tried to press translate button and just "save and close".
I guess this works properly..
the item has been created but in the same language of original
(english). So I've edit this current item for the "french" language and primary / second category
for |- francais

but the connection between the both items are disapeared

o.O" I need course for translate with Flexicontent and joomla 2.5 :-/

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12 years 6 months ago #27863 by ggppdk
mmm, you did not mention, if you have set(selected) the "New language" field before clicking "Save & Close"

I said that this needs improving,

- e.g. to prevent "Save & close" if you don't select "NEW language"
- fix the permission creation to avoid having to reclick "Initial Permission Creation"

- Also locally , i have a Google auto translation implemented, but this is for later, since i need to use a free library for this ...

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12 years 6 months ago #27866 by blade3
yes i've read this and understand but i don't know where i found the initial permission..
It's not inside the flexicontent "home"


Bing translator is free.. i guess.. ;-)

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12 years 6 months ago #27868 by ggppdk
i meant there is a bug,

this will be detected , the next time you relogin , the J2.5 ACL Permission Asset will be rechecked , and you will be asked to click to create them, you don't need to do anything now, about this

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