Forcer le filtre à la valeur selected.

13 years 2 months ago #21334 by kim

J'emploi un filtre sur mes pages qui est le même pour différentes catégories.
Quand je choisi un item de ce filtre et que je reviens sur cette page, plus tard.
Il garde en mémoire le dernier filtrage choisi.

Comment puis-je forcer la valeur par défaut (all) de mon filtre à chaque fois que je charge la page?

Si vous avez une astuce, je suis preneuse.



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13 years 2 months ago #21337 by ggppdk
Yes, i have thought of this before, the category filters keep their values in sessions variables.

So because of the session variables, if you return to the page the filter values are preserved, this can be annoying if you e.g. re-click on the category link expecting it to display all items.

I think, we could change this behavior without problems in custom templates for v1.5.6 and previous versions.

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13 years 2 months ago #21339 by kim
Ok i waiting.
I added &filter_23= at hand in my url.

It work fine, but the sef doesn't like.

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13 years 2 months ago #21340 by ggppdk
This will be only a few lines of code, so i will try to post you the svn link with the changes, to update your version, but you should consider upgrading to v1.5.6 final.

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