Looking for development of functionalities.

10 years 9 months ago #47149 by davidote
We need to develop some functionalities on flexicontent:

• For any user administrator can set which categories can access

• In advanced search users can filter only by categories they have access

• In advanced search, users can:
o save searches (so they can access them anytime)
o for search results, configure alerts by email (and edit them anytime)
o create rss feeds from search results

Anyone can help?

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10 years 9 months ago #47159 by ggppdk

davidote wrote: We need to develop some functionalities on flexicontent:

• For any user administrator can set which categories can access

did you set the view access of each category ?

• In advanced search users can filter only by categories they have access

This is not implemented

• In advanced search, users can:
o save searches (so they can access them anytime)

there is no such functionality, currently users cah have, about related user functionality:
- favoured items
- thinking of adding also favoured categories,
- about saving searches:
not implemented
but this is a kind of bookmarking, the current URL is enough to save to "save" the search, for now you could try adding a button in your FLEXIcontent search view Joomla template override (see Joomla template overrides in our FAQ):
that calls this code
stackoverflow.com/questions/3024 ... javascript

o for search results, configure alerts by email (and edit them anytime)

- when sending such alerts, checking if search contents have changed since last time will not be done,
because it would mean applying all filtering and checking if different results are returned, so sendig email will be done without such a check,
anyway now is not implemented

o create rss feeds from search results

- this seems a reasonable idea for near future implementation


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10 years 9 months ago #47190 by davidote

-- did you set the view access of each category ?

For category access we use Access Manager Pro ( extensions.joomla.org/extensions ... trol/23466 ). It's easier than category access by flexicontent. But it doesn't work with advanced search, so we need that any user can filter only by categories he/she has access. We know that this part is not implemented, but is there any way to develop it? We know we should pay for it.

• In advanced search, users can:
o save searches (so they can access them anytime)

Bookmarking is not a good solution for us. We think is better for our users to have their searches stored in the system rather than bookmarks.

o for search results, configure alerts by email (and edit them anytime)
o create rss feeds from search results

We also know that this is not implemented, and we would pay for this development if anybody can do it.


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10 years 8 months ago #47198 by ggppdk

1. the category filter can be made to use access, (probably this little work)

2. about saving searches and having notifications, this is a nice feature that would definetely need implementation,

this can probably be done with a module and a cron job, without changing FLEXIcontent CORE.

- also you may consider this alternative:
use Joomla smart search (FLEXIcontent comes with a finder (smart search plugin)), and utilize an existing Joomla extension that saves searhes

(NOTE, FLEXIcontent smart search plugin is 90% same as Joomla smart search plugin, it does not yet include custom fields)

- you should only enable 1 of the 2 plugins:
a. either com_content finder plugin
b. or com_flexicontent finder plugin

otherwise you will get your content indexed twice

you may want to test the above


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10 years 8 months ago #47215 by davidote
Thank you very much for your answer.

Using joomla extension we could save searches, but I think we wouldn't have email alerts. This is important for us and if would be great if we could have a quotation for developing both 1. the category filter can be made to use access, (probably this little work)
and 2. about saving searches and having notifications, this is a nice feature that would definetely need implementation.

Thanks in advance for your help

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