FLEXIcontent Performance vs. Joomla vs. K2

11 years 2 weeks ago #45362 by kenmcd
Recently I turned the PM feature back On in the Joomla forum (been Off for a couple years).
So people can now PM me again in the Joomla forum.

Yesterday I got a PM asking for help on a large Joomla site that is having performance issues - server crashes, slow performance.
He apparently found me from my old posts in the J1.5 Performance forum.

This reminded me about the Joomla Performance forums.
And the many, many, many potential FLEXIcontent users in those forums.

FLEXIcontent performance is a competitive advantage we can use.
And we can emphasize this in our communications (e.g. JED description, announcements).

First, in the FC forum I set-up a new Performance forum.
And I am moving performance related posts there.
This will show users we are concerned about performance.
And that we have solutions.

Second, we need real data for performance comparisons.
Joomla  vs. FLEXIcontent  vs. K2  vs. Zoo

I have seen some posts in the Joomla forum which say K2 is faster than Joomla.
I have also seen some posts in the Joomla forum which say K2 is a massive inefficient server resource hog.
I asked one of the posters for hard data ... no response.
We need hard data (e.g. comparisons).


I know you have run some performance tests of Joomla vs. FLEXIcontent.
We also need Joomla  vs. FLEXIcontent  vs. K2  vs. Zoo.

We need actual numbers to compare performance.
Including where FLEXIcontent is the best, and not the best.
Open and honest comparisons that users can use to make good decisions.

We need the comparison info to know where FLEXIcontent needs to improve.

So please document what comparisons you have done so far, and the results.
And what comparisons need to be done.

K2 is touting their performance as an advantage over Joomla.
We need to know where we stand vs. both Joomla and K2.

I need to know that what I am saying on the JED and in announcements is correct,
and that we can back it up with actual test data.


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11 years 2 weeks ago #45366 by micker
good idea

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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11 years 2 weeks ago #45371 by ggppdk

so you have setup a performance sub-forum !
that is great idea Ken

it is good to prove to prove FLEXIcontent performance

and provide some tips there too :-) !!

About showcasing performance

i have been given a copy of

27,000+ items

(big Thailand news site),

we can use this for testing
(just i can not give you copy of it, i committed/promised on privacy of the backup archive)

we can use it to make case TEST case scenarios
and then make some youtube-shared videos too

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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11 years 2 weeks ago #45397 by kenmcd
We need verifiable benchmarks.

I suggest we set-up a performance testing sub-domain.
Populate that with sample data — 20,000-50,000 articles/items.
Then all of us can run the tests and see for ourselves.

At the moment I am not very happy.
I have been telling people that FC performance is much better than Joomla.
Now I find out that:
  1. We have virtually nothing tangible to back-up that claim, and
  2. That the worst Joomla performance issues have not been addressed.
So basically I told people stuff which is quite possibly completely untrue.
Basically that makes me a liar.
My fault for not verifying claims that I am repeating.
Regardless it makes me angry.

Performance is a very important issue.
It is important for competing against Joomla com_content alone,
and even more important for competing against other CCKs.

Joomla has some well known performance issues.
To not address those issues in FLEXIcontent is just crazy.
Not an option.

K2 claims it has much better performance than Joomla on large websites.
Some Joomla gurus say that K2 is a server resource hog and not that fast.
K2 does run some very large websites.
So some of what they say is likely true.
Dunno. Have not seen any hard facts.

K2 is FLEXIcontent competition.
Zoo is FLEXIcontent competition.
How does FLEXIcontent performance compare?

We need real actual verifiable repeatable test data.
And if FLEXIcontent cannot compete on performance, that is a big problem.


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11 years 2 weeks ago #45399 by ggppdk

Now I find out that:

We have virtually nothing tangible to back-up that claim, and
That the worst Joomla performance issues have not been addressed.

Regardless it makes me angry.

it is is frustrates me, you are angry with who ? me ? why ?

i spent time to optimize FC, i spent time measuring

and you asked only yesterday
and i started spending time to find a larger site and spent time i did not have (today)

Ken you don't have to believe anything just test,

To make a first test it is easy

a big site (at least 10,000 item in a category) install FC,

case 1: add no extra fields and test frontend category view with various ordering
see that FC is faster
and the larger site becomes, the bigger the difference

-- The cost of item view is almost same regardless of site size, fast and always less fast than Joomla, FLEXIcontent does a lot more in item view, imagine Joomla + 20 content plugins to achieve similar result

anyway when we speak of performance it is about multi-item views

i am tired and sleepless and 6:00 am, i have to go to work soon

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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11 years 2 weeks ago #45401 by ggppdk

We have virtually nothing tangible to back-up that claim,

please turn on performance statistics parameter to see (in frontend views) and then visit category view, we measure every time consuming task, we even measure how much time we spend inside content plugins

find me 1 component that does this, in this level of detail, if for any reason there is a performance problem in FC, then you can easily learn where, and even find out if it is an individual plugin

this gives a great advantage to anyone trying to find out why his site is slow, he is not blind any more, he does not have to use XDEBUG like developer would do to get profiling stats,

the Joomla profiling points is something but e.g. it gives you only how much time the full component takes

please use it

about showcasing if , i have now a 27000 items site,
(if we could find a bigger one)

we can via SQL query assign ALL items to single category, and then test FLEXIContent without custom fields and with custom fields against Joomla

or we could move all top level categories under a single top level category

testing a category with 500 items is pointless Joomla will be faster i said many times in forum and in our JED listing, too little articles

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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