Possible feature - Modify User Notifications

12 years 2 months ago #32212 by kenmcd
Hi Georgios,

Would it be possible to have an administration feature which enables us to modify the notifications for a particular user?

You may have noticed we have a few notifications which bounce each time you add a new version to the FLEXIcontent download page.
Users who have favorite'd this page are sent an email to notify them that a new version is available.
A few of these emails bounce for various reasons such as a bad email address, or some spam filter service is overly aggressive (or just dumb).

Having the server keep trying to send these is a waste of CPU.
I could disable that user in Joomla, but then they would not be able to log-in to the forum too.
So what I would like to do is be able to turn-off their FLEXIcontent favorites notifications.

What do you think?



I just noticed that one user who is disabled in Joomla is still getting the email sent from FLEXIcontent.
Perhaps a check is needed in the notifications code to not send notifications to disabled users.

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