JComments v2.3.0 RC7 for testing with FC 2.0

13 years 1 month ago #22508 by kenmcd
The developer of JComments has provided us the latest RC versions of the component and modules for testing with FLEXIcontent 2.0.

Note: I have promised Sergey (smart) we will not release this.
This is only for our use in testing with FLEXIcontent 2.0
So please do not distribute this anywhere else.

There are some "developer's notes" which may be helpful.

The component and modules supports updates - once installed them you will be able to get updates in Extension manager.

Also I want to describe some changes in this version, which would be useful for developers.

Previous versions of JCommens had used special plugins (more correct term adapters) for getting information about objects (articles, files, photos etc). These plugins (or adapters) had have to implement 3 methods: getTitle, getLink and getOwner.

For increasing performance and decreasing database load I've extended JCommentsPlugin with method getObjectInfo which returns object of type JCommentsObjectInfo (title, link, access, owner). The information returned by getObjectInfo being stored in jos_jcomments_objects table. This way allows to show latest comments list (module) without plugins' calls and dramatically reduces number of queries. In standart behavior JComments calls getObjectInfo only once for each object - when first comment had been added. After this it only updates object information (after comment's adding), because object's title or access could be changed.

For backward compatibilty I left methods getTitle, getLink and getOwner in base class and if plugin have not implementation of getObjectInfo the plugin's loader will call these 3 methods instead one.

For cases when the site administrator had changed SEF settings or had imported comments from 3rd party extension we have magic button Refresh Objects (Backend - JComments - Comments). This button causes rebuilding jos_jcomments_objects - the table cleared and filled with fresh data for all objects.

I have updated most of existing plugins including FLEXIcontent plugin. So you can see all changes in components/com_jcomments/plugins/com_flexicontent.plugin.php

If something is not understandable or needs to be described more detail feel free to contact me via email or Skype (sergelitvinov). I am almost all day online and I can answer any question about JComments. The component's code has been freezed but I still can make small changes before release. So if we need some changes for more complete integration with FLEXIcontent - just say me and I will try to implement this.

Best regards,
Sergey Litvinov aka smart

[attachment=0:2zy1163j]<!-- ia0 -->JComments.v2.3.0.RC7.for.Joomla.2.5.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2zy1163j]
This package contains:
- com_jcomments_v2.3.0_RC7.zip
- mod_jcomments_latest_commented_j17_v1.0_RC6.zip
- mod_jcomments_latest_j17_v1.0_RC6.zip
- mod_jcomments_most_commented_j17_v1.0_RC6.zip
- mod_jcomments_top_posters_j17_v2.0_RC3.zip

Let the testing begin!

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13 years 1 month ago #22510 by micker
great news !

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13 years 2 weeks ago #22618 by kenmcd

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