[Résolu] Insert module et Article

13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #20547 by kim

Sur flexi 156, impossible d'insérer un module avec le bouton "Insert Module" du champ Texte.

Ca n'affiche rien en front-end.

Dans le descriptif de la catégorie, pas de soucis.

Je vais passer par un loadmodule via le template, normalement ca devrait marcher...

Last edit: 13 years 3 months ago by kim.

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13 years 3 months ago #20548 by kim
Ca ne marche pas non plus par field loadmodule...

Le loadmodule plante mon site.

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13 years 3 months ago #20560 by ggppdk
I really think that the fcloadmodule FLEXIcontent field is working ...

the problem usually is that the module is not configured to appear for the particular menu item, that is assign to your currently displaying page

Also, since the joomla way of assigning a module to appear at specific menu items is totally inflexible ...

[b i would strongly advice that you NoNumber "Advanced Module Manager" to define when the module will appear.[/b]


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13 years 3 months ago #20596 by kim
The probleme solved !

Thanks again.


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