Forum Changes - Groups, Ranks, CSS

11 years 11 months ago #34878 by kenmcd
I made some changes to the forum ...

Added Group: Beta Tester Team
Has the same permissions as the Translator Team so they can see the Team Forum.

Added Rank: Beta Tester

The image already existed, we were just not using it.

Created a new rank image for Administrator.

Previously the Administrator rank used the Developer image.

Added Ranks for post count.
Regular Member - 0-124 posts - no stars
Regular Member - 125 posts -
Regular Member - 250 posts -
Regular Member - 500 posts -
Regular Member - 1000 posts -
Regular Member - 2000 posts -

We could have different member names for the levels rather than just Regular Member.
Any suggestions are welcome.

See the new ranks in use here:

CSS Changes
Fixed a few annoyances.
- added some padding above and below the post text so it is not so cramped
- made the main forum categories look like the links they are (not black)
- lightened the other column headings so the visual weight is reduced
Still a few other CSS annoyances to fix ...

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11 years 3 weeks ago #45056 by kenmcd
You may have noticed some changes in the forum Ranks.
I added new text for the post-count ranks.
And lowered the number of posts required for the stars.

[table:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][th:x16ynlwa]Rank[/th:x16ynlwa][th:x16ynlwa]Post Count[/th:x16ynlwa][th:x16ynlwa]Image[/th:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Administrator[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Beta Tester[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Developer[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Moderator[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Sponsor[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]Translator[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]-[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Fledgling[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]0[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]none[/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Enthusiast[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]25[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Intern[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]50[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Expert[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]100[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Guru[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]250[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][tr:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]FLEXIcontent Hero[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa]500[/td:x16ynlwa][td:x16ynlwa] [/td:x16ynlwa][/tr:x16ynlwa][/table:x16ynlwa]

Any suggestions are welcome.

See the new ranks in use here:

Note: I also added some BBCodes so we can insert tables in the forum (like above).


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11 years 3 weeks ago #45070 by micker
great !

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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11 years 3 weeks ago #45080 by ggppdk

kenmcd wrote:  
You may have noticed some changes in the forum Ranks.
I added new text for the post-count ranks.
And lowered the number of posts required for the stars.

Yes i guessed it was you that did this,
- most forums do this, it is very nice

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing with a 5-star...

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