403 error on flexicontent pages

14 years 8 months ago #7869 by moodsign
Just in case someone get the same problem :
I installed flexiaccess, installation ok
But on the front-end I got 403 error on every flexicontent pages

Finally, I get account that :
- I was loggued on the FE with my admin account
- My admin user was not in any group

So I logged out on FE and could see all the content again without 403 error

I put all users in the default flexiaccess group, logged in FE again and everything was fine

Strange that public users could see things that a regsitered user could not, but i guess there is a good reason

Anyway, everything s fine now, great components !!!

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14 years 8 months ago #7872 by micker
hello a basique group is necessari for flexiaccess it's normal !
don't forgot to install the last versio (1.0.5) and the last version of flexicontnent 1.5.3

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