Pagination - Leading article throws out count for # of items

9 years 5 months ago #57335 by voxjeff
When using the " # Leading " parameter in the template settings, it throws out the count of our items in list view on frontend.


Category set to display 18 items ( 3 items per row ), for a nice even layout. BUT when "# Leading" items set to 1 in template parameters, pagination is thrown out of whack. We then see leading article on frontpage with one empty slot at end of list... then, when navigating to page 2 of list items the leading article is gone and thus the list is fine again.

How do I increase the number of list items needed on page 1 to 19 from 18, and ONLY for page 1?

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9 years 5 months ago #57337 by ggppdk

the template is used for presenting the items,

it does not care of what the DB model does,
- DB model use will retrieve N "items per page" (*it willl retrieve more in v3.x due to endless scroll)

- so you 1st page will show:
L leading items
then N - L intro items

do you get something different than the above ?

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9 years 5 months ago #57358 by voxjeff
I get this result for page 1, yes. But page two does not show leading item, and thus the positioning is out of place. I get 3 items per row, except for last row which only has one item and two blank spaces.

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9 years 5 months ago #57361 by ggppdk

the leading items are for the 1st page, only

please take into consideration this when you make your planning

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