Community Builder or Other database table

14 years 6 months ago #9779 by mtif
Firstly, thanks for adding Front End editing to your wonderful software. At last we have the real tools we have been waiting for.

Now I can ditch the failed ACL's of others and use FlexContent and FlexAccess.

What would make it even better for us is to be able to create FlexAccess groups that are "conditional" on other data. So that instead of selecting individual users or groups to add to any New FlexAccess Group we could create some logic to use existing user data.

For example:

If I have existing an Community Builder field for Group Membership called cb_group_member in the table jos_comprofiler then I would like to be able to apply the logic to FlexAccess to create the Group list


This way we can easily integrate any Joomla 'community' based data into the ACL of FlexAccess.

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14 years 6 months ago #10131 by orchid1
this could be done with a plugin

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