Changement d'état

12 years 2 months ago #32104 by eytanpierre

J'ai remarqué que pour supprimer/archiver ... un item, il faut d'abord cliquer sur "Changement d'état", puis sur l'état que l'on souhaite ...

N'est-il pas possible de simplifier cette manipulation ... menu déroulant ou autre ...

Merci à FLEXIContent !

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12 years 2 months ago #32110 by ggppdk
Replied by ggppdk on topic Changement d'état
Yes it has been pointed out by other users too, that it is a little cryptic, and not easy to find ...

will add a separate trash button,

an maybe will remove the small state buttons

and make them big buttons at top as:
switch to trash view
switch to archive view
switch to normal view

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