About removing category selector from item form

10 years 9 months ago #47478 by alitogata
thank you!

I liked the option to hide tabs in new form etc.. but how do I remove categories completely from the form?

I used _skip_ for the tab but it shows categories below

FLEXIcontent v3.1.0-rc2
Joomla! 3.6.2

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10 years 9 months ago #47482 by ggppdk

-- removing the categories selector is not allowed like e.g. for tags or language (for language you can set a default value)

the item's category is required as it is an integral part of the FLEXIcontent item and Joomla articles

i can understand the purpose of this, as this will allow (together with new custom item form layout) to be able to have forms that do not look like an article

- will examine doing this in the next release

- for now maybe this will be useful to you:

a. add a default value in your submit menu item and

b. use the "allow change category privelege" to prevent editor from changing the item's category


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10 years 9 months ago #47549 by alitogata
thank you ggppdk,

I already did what you suggested I just don't want the drop down to be shown even if they are not possible to change the category.

Just makes the form looks much better that's all. Will stick with the below for now then till next release

Thank you !

FLEXIcontent v3.1.0-rc2
Joomla! 3.6.2

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