Proposal for next Version of Flexiaccess

13 years 10 months ago #15376 by tbunte
I would propose to enhance Flexiacess with a steering of different Types for user/groups.
If a user actual work in Backend, he could choose all type of Types, equal if the category he was allowed to are limit to.
He should normally only sees here the type he was allowed to (over the categorys he was allowed to or directly over group steering for types).

best regards,

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13 years 10 months ago #15381 by micker
can explain more your request ?

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13 years 10 months ago #15439 by tbunte
If you have a website with different Types for viewing (Blog, Portal, FAQ f.e.) and you limit over flexiaccess for a group the access to a category wich had categorylayout Blog.
If a user of these group go to backend he could only items from the cat and if he try to create a new one, he has in New Item only these category.
But in "Beitragstyp" (i only see the german wording, pulldown under Alias) he could see and choose all possible Types and not only type Blog?

That there are too much option in the pulldown was the problem.

best regards,

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