Hey guys I made a small edit to the core files

14 years 7 months ago #9425 by orchid1
Hi Guys I made a small edit to the core code for a client. I think it might be good enough for the next release of the component. Emmanuel probably has this in some form or another but I added this. It's not a big deal really but it does add the ability to pre-filter a category by TYPE.
my client was making several categories like




The problem is that my client has to create many similar categories with the same name (i.e. "News", "Blogs","Products") so he asked me if he couldn't just pre-filter a category by [TYPE]
that way he can create several menu items to the same category but have items limited by only one [Type]

this way he would only create the unique categories (i.e. "Nutrition", "Sports", "Education")but never have to create duplicate similar categories to hold the same [TYPE] of data. My client only has to assign Items to a [TYPE] in a unique category and set the pre-filter in the menu item.

Here are the edits
[attachment=0:703btctw]<!-- ia0 -->pre_filter_4_category_view_flexicontent.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:703btctw]

I have included a screen shot and some documentation in the attached zip file I really hope this is useful to someone else and maybe it gets incorporated into the next release(?)

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14 years 7 months ago #9490 by micker
cool thanks !

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