" Field Field " It is possible to insert label and image together

9 years 1 month ago #60189 by timalua
Good morning,
I congratulate you for your FlexiContent component is very good and very very powerful .

I have not yet learned to use it well.

I ask you to support the " Field Field "
field type
checkbox Image

I can choose between value, label and image

It is possible to insert label and image together

in the field element
1::Information::information.png%% 0::Warning::warning.png%%
4::Parcheggio per Autobus::parcheggio-pulman.png%%

Thank you and good day.


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9 years 1 month ago #60204 by ggppdk

i don't understand the question

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9 years 1 month ago #60207 by timalua
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx google translate xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, I do not speak English and use google translate .

I'm created a New field: - FLEXIcontent - Checkbox Image -

I wold Viewing in fronted two values: " label " and " image " (text and pictures)
In - Viewing - -Value- -Frontend display- I can select one of "value" "label" or "image" for fronted Viewing.

I can show fronted by two values ​​, logo and text ?
it's possible? how should I do ?

Thank you.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Italiano xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scusi io non conosco l'inglese ed uso google translate.

Io ho creato in FLEXIcontent un nuovo campo "Checkbox Image"

Io vorrei vedere in fronted, entrambi i valori del campo selezionato "etichetta" ed "immagine" (testo e logo)
In - Viewing - -Valore-, posso selezionare uno tra, "valore", "etichetta" o "immagine"

Posso mostrare in fronted due valori, logo e testo?
è possibile? come devo fare?


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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #60223 by ggppdk

what you suggest is not uncommon for radioimage, checkbox image,
but it was never added
- instead the label is shown as a tooltip of the image

normally my answer would be:
- it is very easy to do for a developer because the field support custom layout (see popup description of the layout parameter inside the view TAB)
so i would ask user to create a copy of the layout and select it in the field configuration

but i have added it to upcoming v3.0.14 as an extra option

(notice the 3.0.x-stable at the end of the URL)
(click "download ZIP") and install in test site copy

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite having a long list of functions) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
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Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by ggppdk.

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9 years 1 month ago #60266 by timalua
All resolved
with version v3.0.14

Really thank you very very much

Andrea greetings

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