Please allow "common" words in this forum

11 years 4 months ago #40910 by strgg

You would decrease forum posts instantly if we could search "common" words.

If we search for ex. "categories" this forum responds "the word is to common please add more detail".

Please allow common words by switch in backend.


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11 years 4 months ago #40913 by ggppdk

yes i noticed that this is annoying when searching some common words

i don't have access to being forum administrator to phpBB, and currently Emmanuel is out of reach

but since i have full access to the web hosting environment
will do this, one way or the other


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11 years 4 weeks ago #44379 by kenmcd
You can now search for more common words such as "categories" and "search."

I changed the Common word threshold from 5% to 20%.
Then rebuilt the search index (takes about 10 minutes to re-index).

Let's see how that works for awhile.
Please report any other issues here in this thread.

An odd result ...
Total number of indexed words went down.
From approx. 62,000 down to 41,207.
Search may actually be faster now.

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