Flexicontent could be bigger than what it already is...

15 years 1 month ago #2084 by gymrat
I have been using Flexicontent for about 2 weeks now and I love this component. As I was working on the Flexi templates, I thought to myself, "wouldn't this be nice if Joomla was built like this?" Imagine Flexicontent as the new CMS where you can just drag and drop modules to positions instead of how it is now with Joomla. Logos could easily be changed, content could also be placed anywhere within the template layout. This would make CMS very powerful and intuitive. Just a thought...keep up the great work guys!

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15 years 1 month ago #2328 by vivi
I have a tendency to agree with "gymrat"....Lets hope FLEXI CONTENT grows into a full fledged CMS.

I do love Joomla but some where down the line Joomla is a little rigid.

Having said that ....I have been playing around with FlexiC for the last 48 hours and still don't know where to start !!

Having said that I have understood some of the potential and once I figure this out I will be getting all my sites on FlexiC.

Btw: dont ask me any questions I am not an expert actually a newbee. Just recently switched careers from telecom to this line of work !!

Awesome Job by the developer.

Happy New Year to all all Flexi Content

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15 years 1 month ago #2480 by vistamedia
Thanks for your support guys ;)
And best wishes for you too.
FLEXIcontent is a CMS that uses the Joomla! FRAMEWORK. Concerning the Drag and Drop, I'm thinking about extending it to a magazine view making possible to drag and drop the categories in the magazine template zone and then adjusting the number of items to fetch and the ordering.
In any case I'll work a lot in the usability direction to make it more and more easy to use (even if it's sometimes complicated)

FLEXIcontent lead developer.
www.vistamedia.fr web agency and custom development.
www.joomla.fr co-administrator.
Please no PM for support request, use the forum for that!!!

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15 years 1 month ago #2502 by unleash.it
For drag and drop modules, take a look at this: extensions.joomla.org/extensions ... ssion/9838

It was a Google Summer of Code project. Pretty cool, but with some templates it needs a little TLC to get it to work.

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15 years 1 month ago #2519 by orchid1
who know what it will be like in 2 years with J1.6 and FLEXIcontent 2.x

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster - USMC

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15 years 1 month ago #2901 by KingoftheRoad
1) Hi Emmanuel, may you advise us the price range of FlexiAccess?

2) What listed below (2 & 3) is a bit off-topic, but it may generate some new ideas here.

I have been using Joomla Multisite ( www.jms2win.com/ ) for building multisites and sharing different components. I think JMS is the best Joomla Multisite solution, so far. Flexicontent has already been added to its support list.

My next wish is to share Flexicontent between several Joomla sites. However, this possibility is turned down by the JMS developer ( www.jms2win.com/forum/25-extensi ... vs-k2#2977 )

May FlexiAccess also address this? I mean multisite FlexiAccess.

Just an idea :D

3) Flash CMS

Someone has already done this ( extensions.joomla.org/extensions ... ement/8022 ), but the project is stopped and the functionality is limited. Is it possible to build up a Flash CMS with Flexicontent and Joomla?

Just another idea :lol:

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