Sorry for the long delay. I had to dig through my files and notes to find what I did, since I admittedly haven't worked on this in a while.
NOTE: This was done for Flexicontent 1.5.3, so please don't just copy and paste this code for the latest version!
The file in question is:
JOOMLA ROOT/components/com_flexicontent/models/items.php
In that file you'll find that a lot of triggers are set up but not really activated.
Around line 1001 or thereabouts in that file, you should see code similar to the following:
// NOTE: This event isn't used yet but may be useful in a near future
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveItem', array( $item ));
Underneath that, I added the following:
// THIRD PARTY CONTENT TRIGGER INTEGRATION HACK - trigger com_content's native events
JPluginHelper::importPlugin( 'content' );
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onAfterContentSave', array( &$item, $isnew ) );
I literally just looked at code pertaining to Joomla's native content and added it accordingly.
Again, when I tested it last, this appeared to be working. Still, I'd advise experimenting with this in a safe environment before using it on a live site.