DPagebreak/Page Navigation Content Plugin

14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 2 months ago #11658 by ~cXc~
A Joomla! Content Plugin that creates DHTML pagebreaks and page navigation for extensions that parse Content plugins. Its a pagebreak plugin based on FlexiBreak but with quite a bit more options and additional checks, should work with any component that parses content plugins.

DPagebreak Highlights
  • Full language support Front-end and Back-end.
  • 5 styles included by default, with skeleton example style installer for sharing more.
  • Easy style creation by copying then renaming an existing style.
  • Use different table of contents style for individual items (add syntax to the item you want the custom TOC used with) or use editor button.
  • Use custom Introtext, language file or article title (Flexi needs hack).
  • Place Table of Contents on left, right or clear (horizontal style).
  • Hide/Show page navigation in Table of Contents.
  • Show page navigation above the item, below the item or not at all.
  • Show the "show all" link in Page Navigation, ToC Table, or not at all.
  • Option to add a link to W3C's validator for specific user group.
  • Option to not display on Frontpage/homepage.
  • Doesn't display in Print page or Popup page (index2.php).
  • Improved custom ToC per item overrides, added options for TOC Header, TOC Navigation, Show All Pages Link and Page Navigation, defaults to plugin settings.
  • IE6 users will see full content without pagebreaks, ... IE6 sucks ... I may see if I can make it more compatible later, but I have no way to test :roll:
Installation works pretty much the same way other pagebreak plugins work.
1. Install with Joomla!'s built in extension installer.
2. Locate "Content - DPagebreak" in the Joomla! Plugin Manager.
3. Set the order for the DPagebreak plugin to 10000 and configure it to your liking.
4. Disable the "Content - Pagebreak" plugin included with Joomla! (and/or any other pagebreak plugin used for content) and enable the DPagebreak plugin.
5. In FLEXIContent fields -> description enable "Trigger content plugins" and select DPagebreak in the list.There is more planned but that's all I've done so far.

DPagebreak and Editor Button files (version 1.4.16)

[attachment=0:3oyxv9oz]<!-- ia0 -->DPagebreak-1.4.16.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3oyxv9oz]
[attachment=2:3oyxv9oz]<!-- ia2 -->DPStyle-Editor-Button-1.0.4.zip<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:3oyxv9oz]
[attachment=1:3oyxv9oz]<!-- ia1 -->DPagebreak-Editor-Button-1.0.1.zip<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3oyxv9oz]
The DP Style example has been moved to my next post , because of the 3 attachments per post rule, and so its purpose and usage can be explained better.

If anyone is willing to contribute translations for my plugins, I will make sure they end up in future versions.

DPagebreak SVN is available at JoomlaCode but I'm usually pretty good about updating here at FlexiContent first.
Last edit: 14 years 2 months ago by ~cXc~.

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14 years 3 months ago - 14 years 3 months ago #11664 by ~cXc~
Creating DPagebreak styles is very easy, just copy an existing style folder found in *JOOMLA ROOT*/media/dpagebreak/ and rename it. That's all there is to it, and sharing the styles you create with others isn't very difficult either. You can either zip your style folder and have them extract and FTP it to the *JOOMLA ROOT*/media/dpagebreak/ directory.

Unfortunately everyone doesn't have FTP access to their own sites or they just prefer the simplicity of Joomla!'s built in installer, that's why I've created the DP Style Example plugin. By using the installer styles can be installed using Joomla!'s built in extension installer and can be installed/uninstalled easily. They are grouped as "DP Style" plugins and do not require being published to function, as long as they are listed they are accessible by DPagebreak.The rest of this post will explain how the DP Style Example plugin should be used to share your styles with others.

"DP Style - Example" Instructions
1. Download and extract the plugin.
2. Rename the "Example" folder to your styles name, we will use "My-Cool-Style" as an example.
3. Edit or replace style.css file inside the "My-Cool-Style" with your own and add any other files required by your style.
4. Rename "example.php" and "example.xml" to "my-cool-style.php" and "my-cool-style.xml" and open the "my-cool-style.xml" file.
5. Add your information to the author block of the XML file by editing the highlighted areas.

<name>DP Style - My-Cool-Style</name>
<author>YOUR NAME</author>
<creationDate>November 2010</creationDate>
<copyright>(C) 20xx YOUR NAME</copyright>
<authorUrl> yoursite.com </authorUrl>

6. Either edit and rename the language file (en-GB.plg_dpagebreak_my-cool-style.ini) or edit the highlighted area here in the XML file to change the description.


7. Change the highlighted areas below to match your styles information.

<filename plugin="my-cool-style">my-cool-style.php</filename>
<languages folder="languages">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.plg_dpagebreak_my-cool-style.ini</language>
<media destination="dpagebreak">

8. Then zip it all into "My-Cool-Style.zip" and share it with the rest of us :D

[attachment=0:1oc7ar1d]<!-- ia0 -->DP-Style-Example-1.0.2.zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1oc7ar1d]
Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by ~cXc~.

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14 years 3 months ago #11669 by micker
cool thanks for this works

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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14 years 3 months ago #11705 by ~cXc~
Updated DPagebreak Plugin to version 1.4.7
Updated DP Editor Button to version 1.0.1
Updated DP Example Style to version 1.0.1

DPagebreak Plugin 1.4.7 Changes
[+] New CSS selector added to all styles including dpagebreak.css and ie6.css
[^] Reduced file size for most of the included styles.
[^] Changed how $tocstyle is cleaned when parsing the override.
[*] Fixed tocstyle show all error - setting the s= trigger in items broke the override feature.
[*] Fixed tocstyle override file-exists - on some servers returned nothing.

DP Editor Button 1.0.1 Changes
[^] Updated the code that is sent to the editor. The backend displays it on a single line, but the frontend has no breaks or spaces.
[$] Updated language string for the plugins description.

DP Example Style 1.0.1 Changes
[+] New CSS selector added to the /*REQUIRED*/ list of selectors.
[^] CSS properties for the floats marked as /*REQUIRED*/ oversight.

There may have been a couple other changes but that's the ones I remember.

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14 years 3 months ago #11711 by pembaris
Hi guys,

So I was working on documentation and looking for a PageBreak, then I found this!

Thanks for sharing it! However, it doesn't work even after doing all the instructions above :(

Any help?

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14 years 3 months ago #11721 by ~cXc~
If you have MooTools Upgrade plugin enabled that is one plugin that it does not work with, Joomla 1.5.21 shipped with this plugin erroneously activated by default, this was corrected with Joomla 1.5.22 but some designers never noticed.

That's the only known incompatibility that I am aware of but it definitely sounds like its probably a JS conflict.

If it's a JS conflict I'll try to get this fixed ASAP, but I need to know what s causing it and then I can figure out why and work on a solution.

What browser are you using?
Do you know if its a browser related issue?
What version of Joomla! are you using?
What Joomla! content editor (JCE, TinyMCE etc) are you using?
Do you have a live site I can look at where the plugin is not working?
Do you also have issues with FlexiBreak by flowman ?

The more information you can provide the faster I can solve your problem. Your post doesn't give me much to work with to solve your issue :oops:

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