It wolud be great, if there will be an option, that a date field in all the search masks can be populated with the actual date or some other possibilities, not only with concrete date values.
That would help, if a date field is a criteria, that only items should be found with the date bigger or equal than the actual date for example.
Because I needed that feature, I made a small "hack":
I entered a fixed old date out of the past and use this as default value( 2016-10-06 for example).
Than I changed the code in components/com_flexicontent/classes/flexicontent.fields.php:
// CASE: range values: value01---value02
if (strpos($filter_value, '---') !== false) {
$filter_value = explode('---', $filter_value);
$filter_value[2] = $filter_value[1];
$filter_value[1] = $filter_value[0];
if ($filter_value[1]=="2016-10-06"){$filter_value[1]=date("Y-m-d");}
It works (certainly not, if a user searches exactly for that date
), but as it is a hack, I have to do it again after each update of FC.
Is ist possible to integrate this in the code?
I think it should be only a smal change...
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards