Hi there
I have a special needing (but not too special, considering the general use it can lead to) regarding Universal Content Module.
I have built a site with mixing function coming from FC & VirtueMart v. 2.
I would like to extend the ecommerce website features: due to the fact that I use FC to show products, and use VM2 only to get ecommerce functions, I would like to implement some further modules showing, for example, additional commercial info, like "people that bougth this also bougth..." or "most selling item". But I wold like to do that using the Universal Content Module.
From that "idea" comes my special request: is there a way to include a sort of PHP/SQL filtering capabilities that could be used to filter what I would like to show in this module?
I try to better explain.
Right now there is a capability to filter items and show them using for example the "category scope". But if I had a further way to query the database and look for sold items, I could filter and display all the items assigned, for example, to one or more categories AND ordered by customers in the last month.
In a more general way, you could better filter any kind of content, and Universal Content Module will become very powerfull!
Is that option so complicated to code? Could you please add this to your "to do" queue?
Waiting for you kindly reply.
Thank you in advance