[check config] groupmarker bug ?

12 years 1 month ago #33825 by lungkao
groupmarker bug ?

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12 years 1 month ago #33840 by ggppdk
This seems to be a configuration issue, please check these:

1. You seem to have an old version (not r1601)
2. Check that you have FILTERED BY CONTENT TYPE before ordering your fields
3. Check that that all group marker fields have been published
4. (if you have a 3rd-party field) Maybe you have a custom 3rd-party field that is breaking the HTML

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12 years 1 month ago #33844 by lungkao
am use FLEXIcontent version 2.0.0 RC9b (r1601)

New install joomla and FLEXIcontent don't have 3rd

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12 years 1 month ago #33845 by ggppdk
Did you Filter by Content Type before ordering your fields?

NOTE: final version has drag and drop ordering for fields too so that it will be a lot faster to creating the ordering and grouping your fields

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12 years 1 month ago #33848 by lungkao
am Filter by Content Type before ordering

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12 years 1 month ago #33850 by lungkao
on file plugins/flexicontent_fields/groupmarker/groupmarker.php

am comment on line 61
//$field->html .= " </div>\n"; // Close content's container (used to apply a css class)


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