J2.5 and FC2 - HTML5 - StandardTemplates (Update 26.09.2012)

12 years 6 months ago #28900 by Rehne

more and more people (like me ;) ) create Joomla template by using HTML5 tag (section, article, aside, nav ...)
i have adapted the standard FlexiContent Templates --status: r1493 with new tab sytem-- (blog, default, faq and presentation) accordingly.
In the template parameters you can choose between xhtml and html5.
is xhtml used the output is equivalent to the standard FC Templates (r1493) ...

maybe it's useful for someone also
and in the future it can be be integrated in FC?
I think this is the future ... and good for SEO also ;)


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12 years 6 months ago #28904 by micker

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12 years 6 months ago #28934 by igcorreia
F***ng awesome I wanted to do that. :D Now I will need to debug.

The only problem I find here is if FC does not uses as CORE how will keep updating the template?

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12 years 6 months ago #28935 by Rehne

algardata wrote: The only problem I find here is if FC does not uses as CORE how will keep updating the template?

I think for the future, that must belongs in the core!!?
Until then, I try to keep it always uptodate ;)

and some changes / improvements / bug fixes i've done allready because the handling of html5 elements is not so trivial
simply said e.g. article or section tags should be only/preferably used if an title (h1, h2 ..) are available/ in it... or the nav tag should only be used for the mainnav
therefore I have made a few changes
- now the item-tabber Template (svn r1494) is with this
- and i've added code to ensure that the templates are already prepared for bootstrap (should the Joomla template based on it)

i think bootstrap should also be in the core, because Joomla is based on since version 3 and it makes a lot much easier (responsiv Template styling ...) --- the e.g. the Akeeba Backup team makes it already

we should ask what George and the FC Team says!?

his new tabber system is a good thing ... thanks
but how about ...regarding bootstrap... to use the buildin tab system from bootstrap (using the Jquery script bootstrap-tab.js) ... in bootstrap there are a few other jquery scripts available that we could use in FC? ...

I also think about to integrate/use WAI ARIA???

ok ... enough said ...
I will try to help wherever I can

in the new html5 template has an error crept :oops:
download corrected version ... first post


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12 years 6 months ago #28940 by ggppdk
About the tabbed position in templates,
yes we can replace it with any other option too,
e.g current one has no effects (sliding/fading, etc)

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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12 years 6 months ago #28964 by Rehne
update files (little mistakes ... sorry)
see first post

and what about
1. HTML5 belongs in the core?
as I said
My adjustments are based on the original templates (r1494)
and there is the possibility to choose, to use xhtml or html5
2. bootstrap Framework belongs in the core?



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