ACL levels shown at the frontend

11 years 1 month ago #43891 by gkhn
Hi there,

I would like to show the acl levels of each item to logged in super users.
#flexicontent .fc_markup.mu_obtained_acclvl.mu_has_text

At the moment, everyone can see each items permission which isnt really what i want :)

Is it possible to show the acl level to only super users? thank you

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11 years 1 month ago #43892 by gkhn
wow 100 posts btw

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11 years 1 month ago #43895 by ggppdk

This is not the intended usage of the ITEM list markups that show the needed/obtained ACL levels, there is no such option nor it is planned,

but can you explain the scenario / case in which such a thing may be needed ?

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11 years 1 month ago #43908 by gkhn

ggppdk wrote: Hello

This is not the intended usage of the ITEM list markups that show the needed/obtained ACL levels, there is no such option nor it is planned,

but can you explain the scenario / case in which such a thing may be needed ?

Hi there,

Thank you for the reply.

I am using virtual domains extension on jed.

Each virtual domain has access levels for (view)

So I need to assign where I want the particular item must be seen otherwise search engines will get mixed up and everything will be all over the place.

So lets say i have i assing acl level from public to

This "" is now shown on the items (green thing)

This is the case that I need it to be hidden. I can just simply hide it display:none or should I override the .itemhml5.php?

Thank you.

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11 years 1 month ago #43927 by ggppdk

how do you relate ACCESS level with the virtual domains ?

i mean an item has the same ACCESS level regardless of the virtual domain

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11 years 1 month ago #43931 by gkhn

ggppdk wrote: Hello

how do you relate ACCESS level with the virtual domains ?

I mean an item has the same ACCESS level regardless of the virtual domain

I think i should have said view access only.

Lets say I have an item on

I linked a menu to this item so I have a link now @

If i dont place view access level on this menu, the link "/mylink" can be accessed from the virtual domains by visiting for example.

if i dont place access level on the item itself,;lakdjkditem=2 will be available for everyone to see

In order to prevent this, I am assigning view levels for items and menu items.

When I place a view access level, even if you visit you will see 404 page error.

To trick search engines that they are really different websites :)

Unless I am doing wrong this is what I get from that component.

Thank you

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