1. create a new field, by following instructions from here:
e.g. duplicate text field
How to Duplicate a Flexicontent Field to create a new Field Type
2. zip it and install via Joomla installer, then go to plugin manager and enabled it or relogin and visit FLEXIcontent backend and you will be asked to publish it
3. Use
function onDisplayField (...)
// execute the code only if the field type match the plugin type
if ( !in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types) ) return;
$field->html = "automatic";
function onDisplayField(...) {
// execute the code only if the field type match the plugin type
if ( !in_array($field->field_type, self::$field_types) ) return;
if (!isset($item->fieldvalues)) {
$itemmodel = new FlexicontentModelItem();
$item->fieldvalues = $itemmodel->getCustomFieldsValues($item->id);
$fieldA_vals = isset($item->fieldvalues[444])
? $item->fieldvalues[444] : array();
$fieldB_vals = isset($item->fieldvalues[555])
? $item->fieldvalues[555] : array();
$item_link =
$item->slug, $item->categoryslug, 0, $item
$field->display =
'<a href="'.$item_link.">'
. $fieldA_vals[0]. " - ". $fieldA_vals[0]
After doing (and correcting) the above you can do any other manipulation that you need because you have a NEW FIELD TYPE)
-- now we are doing a highly anticipated feature field grouping that even allows grouping very COMPLEX fields e.g. image/gallery field with other fields (text, textarea, select, weblink, radio, radioimage, etc),
this discussion brings back the idea of a combination field which is surely a lot easier than the new field group feature !!
if you are you a developer then the above instructions should be relative easy to follow