[réglé] ordre des articles avec Pagenav

12 years 2 weeks ago - 12 years 1 week ago #34502 by Claire39

j'ai un petit souci pour ordonner mes articles FlexiContent:

j'ai une catégorie qui contient 5 articles, qui ont été créés l'un après l'autre, dans le bon ordre, et donc avec des id qui se suivent (de 8 à 12).
en backend, les artiles de la catégorie sont dans le bon ordre, et j'ai activé le classement par ordre Flexicontent pour être sûre.

j'utilise la pagination pour pouvoir passer d'un article à l'autre sans repasser par le menu.

J'ai un problème dans l'ordre des articles en frontend: le premier est l'article 10, puis 9, puis 11, puis 8 et enfin 12.

je ne comprends pas pourquoi?
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by Claire39.

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12 years 2 weeks ago #34505 by ggppdk
I am not sure i understand you from translation

But NOTE this
Menu item parameters for "My-Items" are not applied in v2.0.0 due to a bug

If you want to apply a fix now:

$authorid_ok = @$menu->query['authorid'] == $this->_authorid;
$authorid_ok = (@$menu->query['authorid'] == $this->_authorid) || ($this->_layout=='myitems');

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12 years 2 weeks ago #34508 by Claire39
thank you for your answer.
I've tried the modication but it doesn't solved my problem.

I'll try to explain in english...
I have a category with 5 Flexicontent article:
article1 has id 8,
article2 has id 9 ...

In my backend administration, I see article in order 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

I want show Prev/next buttons in frontend, so that users read the first article, and then the second, ect...

My problem is that:
when the first article is shown, it has Next AND Prev button displayed!
It must have only Next button, because it is the first article in my category.
For the moment, the article's order is that: 10, 9, 11, 8 and 12.

I just don't urnderstand why? and don't know how to re-order my article!

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12 years 2 weeks ago #34513 by ggppdk
I see you speak of navigation plugin

!!, the navigation plugin uses the ordering configured
1. in item's current category
2. or if the above does not exist , it uses the ordering configured in item's MAIN category

So e.g. if item's main category has set ordering to be "Creation Time" then it will use that ...

Maybe navigation plugin should be updated to try to retrieve ordering from "My Items" Joomla Menu items, but currently this is not available !

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12 years 2 weeks ago #34515 by Claire39
Thank you for your explainations!

I've set the order at "the older first" in my category, then I give a different date of creation to every article, and that works!

simple, but usefull!

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