(régler) Position dans template default

8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 day ago #66707 by adel2k
Bonsoir et merci pour votre aide,
Voilà j'ai dupliqué le template default dans la partie view item, je cheche à changer la position du champ photo droite et le champ Top à gauche c'est à dire inversé juste c'est 2 case, la position photo seras à droite et la position Top à gauche, une aide quoi changer dans le CSS du template seras le bienvenue.
Merci à vous, flexicontent c'est du top
Last edit: 8 years 1 day ago by ggppdk.

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8 years 1 week ago #66708 by micker
a mon avis il faut changer la partie php ... bien que tu puisses glissé un champs images dans la position top et inversement
aucune obligation une position charge n'importe quel champs

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
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8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 week ago #66714 by adel2k

C'est bon j'ai réussi en changent le fichier \components\com_flexicontent\templates\Effectifs\item.xml
j'ai inverser et ça marche
Originale :
<group posrow="img_top">image</group>
<group posrow="img_top">top</group>

Fichier modifier :
<group posrow="img_top">top</group>
<group posrow="img_top">image</group>
Last edit: 8 years 1 week ago by adel2k.

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8 years 1 week ago #66715 by micker
oui mais cela ne le changera pas coté front le xml c'est juste pour l'admin

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 week ago #66718 by adel2k
Après recherche c'est bon j'ai trouver j'ai réussi a bidouiller le template depliqué,
cependant j'ai un autre problème dans la fiche de l'item sur le bouton imprimer, une fois je clique sur impression, j'ai une nouvelle fenêtre qui s'affiche avec la fiche crée par le contenue saisie, mais pas d'impression je doit cliqué sur le clique droit et imprimer ca m'affiche juste le titre rien dedans alors que la page est remplis, c'est pas automatique pourtant dans la parti catégorie "entête -> bouton -> méthode d'impression j'ai mis AUTO" mais quand je clique sur impression rien juste une nouvelle fenêtre avec les donnée saisie en affichage.
Last edit: 8 years 1 week ago by adel2k.

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8 years 1 week ago - 8 years 1 week ago #66732 by adel2k

Apparemment c'est pas un problème de flexi mais de template joomla car en changent de template joomla la fonction print marche impec, je sais que le forum est dédié uniquement a flexicontent mais une aide sur joomla seras le bienvenue, j'ai installer un template free sur mon site mais la fonction print dans article ne fonctionne pas, une fois que on clique sur print la fenêtre popup s'ouvre avec juste le contenu de l'article mais la fonction print ou on choisi le mode d'impression etc ne s’exécute pas je crois que c'est un problème de template car quand j'utilise un autre template tout fonctionne impec, je crois que le fichier ou se situe la fonction print c'est comme suit :
joomla -> template -> html -> com_content - > article -> default.php et default_template.php
Je vois joint c'est deux fichier pour voir

Merci bcp

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'functions.php';

JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');


$component = new DesignerContent($this, $this->params);
$article = $component->article('article', $this->item, $this->item->params, array('print' => $this->print));
$currentTemplateName = getCurrentTemplateByType($article->isPage ? 'page' : 'post');
<!--TEMPLATE <?php echo $currentTemplateName; ?> /-->
require_once 'default_template.php';


[PHP]<!--COMPONENT common -->
<?php ob_start(); ?>

<div class=" bd-blog <?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx; ?>" itemscope itemtype=" schema.org/Article ">

<div class=" bd-grid-5">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="separated-grid row">
<div class="separated-item-30 col-md-24 ">

<div class="bd-griditem-30">
$params = array();
if (strlen($article->title)) {
$params = $this->escape($article->title);
if (strlen($article->titleLink))
$params = $article->titleLink;

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata header items.
if (strlen($article->created)) {
$params[] = $article->createdDateInfo($article->created);
if (strlen($article->modified)) {
$params[] = $article->modifiedDateInfo($article->modified);
if (strlen($article->published)) {
$params[] = $article->publishedDateInfo($article->published);

if (strlen($article->author)) {
$params = $article->authorInfo($article->author, $article->authorLink);

if ($article->printIconVisible) {
$params = $article->printIconInfo();
if ($article->emailIconVisible) {
$params= $article->emailIconInfo();
if ($article->editIconVisible) {
$params = $article->editIconInfo();
if (strlen($article->hits)) {
$params = $article->hitsInfo($article->hits);

// Build article content
$content = '';
if ('above full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

if (!$article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayTitle');
$content .= $article->event('beforeDisplayContent');
if (strlen($article->toc))
$content .= $article->toc($article->toc);
if (strlen($article->text)) {
if (strlen($article->images))
$params = $article->images;
if ('above text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
$content .= $article->text($article->text);
if ('below text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
if ($article->showLinks)
$content .= $this->loadTemplate('links');
if ($article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->intro($article->intro);
if (strlen($article->readmore)) {
$params = $article->readmore;
$params = $article->readmoreLink;
if ('below full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayContent');
$params = DesignerShortcodes::process($content);

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata footer items.
// Build tags
if (count(($article->tags)) > 0)
$params = $article->tags;
if (strlen($article->category)) {
$params = $article->categories($article->parentCategory, $article->parentCategoryLink, $article->category, $article->categoryLink);

echo renderTemplateFromIncludes('article_2', array($params));

echo ob_get_clean();
<!--COMPONENT common /-->
<!--COMPONENT blog_5 -->
<?php ob_start(); ?>

<div class=" bd-blog-5 <?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx; ?>" itemscope itemtype=" schema.org/Article ">

<?php $pageHeading = strlen($article->pageHeading) ? $component->pageHeading($article->pageHeading) : ''; ?>
<?php if ($pageHeading) : ?>
<h2 class=" bd-container-21 bd-tagstyles"><?php echo $pageHeading; ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=" bd-grid-7">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="separated-grid row">
<div class="separated-item-46 col-md-24 ">

<div class="bd-griditem-46">
$params = array();
if (strlen($article->title)) {
$params = $this->escape($article->title);
if (strlen($article->titleLink))
$params = $article->titleLink;

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata header items.
if (strlen($article->created)) {
$params[] = $article->createdDateInfo($article->created);
if (strlen($article->modified)) {
$params[] = $article->modifiedDateInfo($article->modified);
if (strlen($article->published)) {
$params[] = $article->publishedDateInfo($article->published);

if (strlen($article->author)) {
$params = $article->authorInfo($article->author, $article->authorLink);

if ($article->printIconVisible) {
$params = $article->printIconInfo();
if ($article->emailIconVisible) {
$params= $article->emailIconInfo();
if ($article->editIconVisible) {
$params = $article->editIconInfo();
if (strlen($article->hits)) {
$params = $article->hitsInfo($article->hits);

// Build article content
$content = '';
if ('above full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

if (!$article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayTitle');
$content .= $article->event('beforeDisplayContent');
if (strlen($article->toc))
$content .= $article->toc($article->toc);
if (strlen($article->text)) {
if (strlen($article->images))
$params = $article->images;
if ('above text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
$content .= $article->text($article->text);
if ('below text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
if ($article->showLinks)
$content .= $this->loadTemplate('links');
if ($article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->intro($article->intro);
if (strlen($article->readmore)) {
$params = $article->readmore;
$params = $article->readmoreLink;
if ('below full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayContent');
$params = DesignerShortcodes::process($content);

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata footer items.
// Build tags
if (count(($article->tags)) > 0)
$params = $article->tags;
if (strlen($article->category)) {
$params = $article->categories($article->parentCategory, $article->parentCategoryLink, $article->category, $article->categoryLink);

echo renderTemplateFromIncludes('article_4', array($params));

echo ob_get_clean();
<!--COMPONENT blog_5 /-->
<!--COMPONENT blog_3 -->
<?php ob_start(); ?>

<div class=" bd-blog-3 <?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx; ?>" itemscope itemtype=" schema.org/Article ">

<?php $pageHeading = strlen($article->pageHeading) ? $component->pageHeading($article->pageHeading) : ''; ?>
<?php if ($pageHeading) : ?>
<h2 class=" bd-container-18 bd-tagstyles"><?php echo $pageHeading; ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=" bd-grid-6">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="separated-grid row">
<div class="separated-item-38 col-md-24 ">

<div class="bd-griditem-38">
$params = array();
if (strlen($article->title)) {
$params = $this->escape($article->title);
if (strlen($article->titleLink))
$params = $article->titleLink;

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata header items.
if (strlen($article->created)) {
$params[] = $article->createdDateInfo($article->created);
if (strlen($article->modified)) {
$params[] = $article->modifiedDateInfo($article->modified);
if (strlen($article->published)) {
$params[] = $article->publishedDateInfo($article->published);

if (strlen($article->author)) {
$params = $article->authorInfo($article->author, $article->authorLink);

if ($article->printIconVisible) {
$params = $article->printIconInfo();
if ($article->emailIconVisible) {
$params= $article->emailIconInfo();
if ($article->editIconVisible) {
$params = $article->editIconInfo();
if (strlen($article->hits)) {
$params = $article->hitsInfo($article->hits);

// Build article content
$content = '';
if ('above full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

if (!$article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayTitle');
$content .= $article->event('beforeDisplayContent');
if (strlen($article->toc))
$content .= $article->toc($article->toc);
if (strlen($article->text)) {
if (strlen($article->images))
$params = $article->images;
if ('above text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
$content .= $article->text($article->text);
if ('below text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
if ($article->showLinks)
$content .= $this->loadTemplate('links');
if ($article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->intro($article->intro);
if (strlen($article->readmore)) {
$params = $article->readmore;
$params = $article->readmoreLink;
if ('below full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayContent');
$params = DesignerShortcodes::process($content);

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata footer items.
// Build tags
if (count(($article->tags)) > 0)
$params = $article->tags;
if (strlen($article->category)) {
$params = $article->categories($article->parentCategory, $article->parentCategoryLink, $article->category, $article->categoryLink);

echo renderTemplateFromIncludes('article_3', array($params));

echo ob_get_clean();
<!--COMPONENT blog_3 /-->
<!--COMPONENT blog_7 -->
<?php ob_start(); ?>

<div class=" bd-blog-7 <?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx; ?>" itemscope itemtype=" schema.org/Article ">

<?php $pageHeading = strlen($article->pageHeading) ? $component->pageHeading($article->pageHeading) : ''; ?>
<?php if ($pageHeading) : ?>
<h2 class=" bd-container-24 bd-tagstyles"><?php echo $pageHeading; ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=" bd-grid-8">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="separated-grid row">
<div class="separated-item-12 col-md-24 ">

<div class="bd-griditem-12">
$params = array();
if (strlen($article->title)) {
$params = $this->escape($article->title);
if (strlen($article->titleLink))
$params = $article->titleLink;

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata header items.
if (strlen($article->created)) {
$params[] = $article->createdDateInfo($article->created);
if (strlen($article->modified)) {
$params[] = $article->modifiedDateInfo($article->modified);
if (strlen($article->published)) {
$params[] = $article->publishedDateInfo($article->published);

if (strlen($article->author)) {
$params = $article->authorInfo($article->author, $article->authorLink);

if ($article->printIconVisible) {
$params = $article->printIconInfo();
if ($article->emailIconVisible) {
$params= $article->emailIconInfo();
if ($article->editIconVisible) {
$params = $article->editIconInfo();
if (strlen($article->hits)) {
$params = $article->hitsInfo($article->hits);

// Build article content
$content = '';
if ('above full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

if (!$article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayTitle');
$content .= $article->event('beforeDisplayContent');
if (strlen($article->toc))
$content .= $article->toc($article->toc);
if (strlen($article->text)) {
if (strlen($article->images))
$params = $article->images;
if ('above text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
$content .= $article->text($article->text);
if ('below text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
if ($article->showLinks)
$content .= $this->loadTemplate('links');
if ($article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->intro($article->intro);
if (strlen($article->readmore)) {
$params = $article->readmore;
$params = $article->readmoreLink;
if ('below full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayContent');
$params = DesignerShortcodes::process($content);

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata footer items.
// Build tags
if (count(($article->tags)) > 0)
$params = $article->tags;
if (strlen($article->category)) {
$params = $article->categories($article->parentCategory, $article->parentCategoryLink, $article->category, $article->categoryLink);

echo renderTemplateFromIncludes('article_5', array($params));

echo ob_get_clean();
<!--COMPONENT blog_7 /-->
<!--COMPONENT blog_8 -->
<?php ob_start(); ?>

<div class=" bd-blog-8 <?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx; ?>" itemscope itemtype=" schema.org/Article ">

<?php $pageHeading = strlen($article->pageHeading) ? $component->pageHeading($article->pageHeading) : ''; ?>
<?php if ($pageHeading) : ?>
<h2 class=" bd-container-27 bd-tagstyles"><?php echo $pageHeading; ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=" bd-grid-9">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="separated-grid row">
<div class="separated-item-23 col-md-24 ">

<div class="bd-griditem-23">
$params = array();
if (strlen($article->title)) {
$params = $this->escape($article->title);
if (strlen($article->titleLink))
$params = $article->titleLink;

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata header items.
if (strlen($article->created)) {
$params[] = $article->createdDateInfo($article->created);
if (strlen($article->modified)) {
$params[] = $article->modifiedDateInfo($article->modified);
if (strlen($article->published)) {
$params[] = $article->publishedDateInfo($article->published);

if (strlen($article->author)) {
$params = $article->authorInfo($article->author, $article->authorLink);

if ($article->printIconVisible) {
$params = $article->printIconInfo();
if ($article->emailIconVisible) {
$params= $article->emailIconInfo();
if ($article->editIconVisible) {
$params = $article->editIconInfo();
if (strlen($article->hits)) {
$params = $article->hitsInfo($article->hits);

// Build article content
$content = '';
if ('above full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

if (!$article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayTitle');
$content .= $article->event('beforeDisplayContent');
if (strlen($article->toc))
$content .= $article->toc($article->toc);
if (strlen($article->text)) {
if (strlen($article->images))
$params = $article->images;
if ('above text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
$content .= $article->text($article->text);
if ('below text' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();
if ($article->showLinks)
$content .= $this->loadTemplate('links');
if ($article->introVisible)
$content .= $article->intro($article->intro);
if (strlen($article->readmore)) {
$params = $article->readmore;
$params = $article->readmoreLink;
if ('below full article' === $article->paginationPosition) {
$params = $article->pagination();

$content .= $article->event('afterDisplayContent');
$params = DesignerShortcodes::process($content);

// Change the order of ""if"" statements to change the order of article metadata footer items.
// Build tags
if (count(($article->tags)) > 0)
$params = $article->tags;
if (strlen($article->category)) {
$params = $article->categories($article->parentCategory, $article->parentCategoryLink, $article->category, $article->categoryLink);

echo renderTemplateFromIncludes('article_6', array($params));

echo ob_get_clean();
<!--COMPONENT blog_8 /-->[/PHP]
Last edit: 8 years 1 week ago by adel2k.

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