Adaptation CSS du template à Flexicontent

11 years 11 months ago #35784 by Django29

Comme vous le savez, certains éditeurs de templates Joomla créent des CSS adaptés à un certain CCK très connu ...

1 - Si on utilise Flexicontent à la place de ce CCK sur ces templates, quelles différences majeures dans le résultat visuel ?
2 - Comment y remédier sans devoir créer des nouveaux fichiers css complets ?

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11 years 11 months ago #35812 by micker
desoler je comprend pas ... les css pour k2 n'auront aucune influence sur FLEXI ... tu veus adapter copie et adapte les css k2 à tes templates flexicontent :)
on espere a terme avoir ce même traitement de faveur lol

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11 years 11 months ago #35821 by Django29
C'est ce que je dis : les CSS sont spécifiques à K2.

Donc, si on utilise Flexi au lieu de K2, est-on obligé de retricoter tout le CSS pour avoir un visuel aussi élaboré, ou bien les suffixes de classes CSS du template suffiront ?

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11 years 11 months ago #35823 by ggppdk
now that FLEXIcontent v2.0.x final version has been released you can slowly expect more support from 3rd party developers
(possible in this site as well, along with support subscription)

- About customizing CSS/HTML of FLEXIcontent templates, you hire any person with CSS/HTML knowledge to customize it or create a new template. He only needs to have CSS/HTML knowledge and some basic knowledge of PHP.

This is needed only if you want custom work on your site, otherwise you can use built-in templates

The big advantage of FLEXIcontent is functionality and features (and even great performance for large sites in v2.0.2)

- 3rd party template support of template developers is not one of advantages of FLEXIcontent, you already know that.

we already do more than what we can do advance these component, and try not to get lost among many priorities ;)

Best Regards

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11 years 11 months ago #35824 by Django29
OK . Thanks.

I asked this question because I found a nice template that fits my needs, with specific CSS for Virtuemart and K2, and as I know this forum is much more reactive than the K2 forums.
So, if I buy it, I will test it first with Flexi.

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11 years 11 months ago #35827 by micker
Après tu peu utiliser les classe de k2 dans ton tem plate flexicontent

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