DropEditor brings to you and your users a unique experience in Joomla content edition.
Whether you are an occasional or regular content redactor, DropEditor will save you a lot of time with unique inbuilt features. As an example, it contains a column creation tool that let you design your own layout. With the template editor tool, you can save and reuse your layout! You have also a really easy to use image & file manager, summary and button edition. The visual styles, titles and profiles edition will be perfect to give to your user some styles that fit your template.
When content plugin are called in flexicontent content it works natively (global configuration).
And it's totally open source and FREE!
Main features
- Multi-column manager
- Dropfiles file manager
- Droppics image manager
- Droptables integration
- Visual style manager preset creation
- Title style manager
- Button creation tool
- Automatic summary
- Menu and content link manager
- Editor profile with Joomla user group
- Template manager to save your layout
- Advanced spellchecker
- Activate editor only in defined component
- Define each tool for each profile
- Bullet list editor
- Word and HTML copy/paste
- Custom color panel definition in profiles Custom Google selector