We have 2 options :
- Falang component (Paid)
- Native Joomla system
In this tutorial we work on native system. We will translate Type, Field, Value, Categorie, Item.
And we will add Joomla language string in joomla INI file
Basic needed : A joomla website with correct multilangue configuration https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Setup_a_Multilingual_Site
1 Edit or Create your type
2 Type a title type in Joomla language string format : ALL_IN_UPPERCASE_WITHOUT_SPACE
3 Translate all core field for this type like [fr]=Votre titre [en]=Your title [du] etc. You can translate all core field with technique and you change all name field for each type
4 Adding (we can see this later) language string in joomla language override and tour type will be translated (you can see the language string after the translate value)
You can translate help description with a language string too
For the image field you can set an option to share field between 2 translated items. Juste check option
Now we can add translation in joomla ini file
Now all your content system are translated !