Core of this component of the overall administration panel allows you to manage:
All these settings work very hierarchical manner:
• Default settings in GLOBAL CONFIGURATION
• override capability options in the configuration of TYPES for item display
• override capability options in the configuration CATEGORIE to display list of items
• override capability options in the configuration LINKS MENU to override the setting of catégorie or type
We can very easily present the same category or the same content in different aspects.
For each type, you can choose a whole range of options as possible template, language management, reporting system etc..
It is important to first define the type of content before you begin your project (eg sheet property for sale, artist sheet, recipe card etc..)
Each type may affect the view fields that you create later.
1 "Parametres" you can set the display of the title of the RSS icons, permissions for this type of template etc..
2 "Customize : Description"
You will be able to define and translate the label and set the size of the editing area
To translate a field just create a value like this [fr]=label in french
ex : [FR]=label in french [en]=label in EN[default]=default label (without line brake)
3 "Customize: Title, Created(by), Modified(by), Document Type"
In the same way you go to Custom field title, by creating, modify and Type
4 "Customize: Hits, Version, State, Voting, Favourites, Tags"
The same goes for the number of click, version, status, votes, and the favorite keywords
5 "SEO parametres" allows to better manage your SEO
6 "Item form" will manage the form of the public part of the site. It allows to choose if tags are editable, if meta etc. will be available. This configuration will take precedence over the global configuration
7 "Email notification", allow you to set notification rules and validation rules specifically for this type.
8 "Items Manager Configuration" ,enables to define the fields available for this type (this is a very specific configuration, do not use if you do not know exactly what you are doing)
9 "Layout Selection" to select the item template for this type.
It is here that we attribute to the categorie template. (You can override this option through the Joomla menu link)
10 "Layout Configuration" : specific settings for the selected template, you can generally choose whether to display the system fields such as vote, the author, etc..
11 WARNING since version 2.0.1 FLEXIcontent content type handles permissions of joomla 2.5, is to say that you can restrict the view of some type of item based on a Joomla ACL.
Permissions allow you to work on access edit mode, change etc..
12 Access drop-down list allows you to manage whether to display a standard front-end, according to a user or user group.
The FLEXIcontent fields allow you to add features to your content type, a date, a gallery, etc. combo.
Here is the list and a short description for each:
There are a number of fields that will be displayed in your items but will not be edited by the user
And a particular field that is used to lay out your forms for submission
1 Click on new field from the dashboard
2 Give your field label (name to be displayed)
3 OPTIONAL give a name to your field (this is the technical name for the field programming calls, watch no space no accents etc).
4 Choose field type
5 Affect the field of one or more types of item or content as explained in 3.3.1.
6 Make adjustments in your field (depending on the option of your choice right side change.)
7 On the left side you can define the behavior of the field (for use in research, editable for the user, translatable, permissions etc.).
Among the most common options for all these fields, we find:
• Multiple values (possibility to set the number)
• The ability to run SQL queries
• The ability to run plugins joomla. For this you need to turn to each field (for performance issues) and use the syntax plugin prefix and suffix field (this can also be used for inserting html or css tags)
• The prefixes and suffixes can add content values before and after values (eg CSS classes for the layout, code execution plugin joomla etc.).
• The ability to choose the display mode of the plugin when using filtering (eg. Dropdown button, extended value etc.)
8 Save
9 Management Joomla permissions for each field (creation or modification).
In the management of categories, you can choose
Here is the description of the various panels:
1 "Title" title of your category
2 "Parent Category" category level (root, sub-category, sub-category, etc..)
3 "Save Category" Assigning a language class
4 "Copy all parameters from" with this option you can copy the settings of another class
5 "Manage Permissions" management Joomla permissions for each category
6 "Description" Description of the category whose settings are presented in paragraph 10
7 "Publishing Options" you can set the author, as well as public access to the category, that is to say, who can see the content of this category
8 "Metadata" : allows SEO information for the category
9 "Parameters: Basic", do not use it is the Joomla template system.
10 "Parameters: Category Info & Options", this panel allows you to manage how the information will be displayed in the category, such as description, display of RSS icons, printing etc.. You will also find the lengths of the title, the management of the main image. And settings displays subcategories.
11 "Parameters: Items List Creation", This panel allows you to manage how will generate a list of items in the category, such as order, displaying publishing buttons for each item, paging etc..
12 "Parameters: Alpha-Index, Search, Filters" manages the display filtering options of a categories. With an alphabetical index, the display fields to filter your content, search engine et
Note : to use a field as a filter, specify it in the setting of said filter.
13 "Parameters: RSS Feeds List" will allow you to set options for generating your RSS feeds with management FLEXIcontent fields.
14 "Email Notifications: for assigned items", will allow you to manage email and validation system and notifications for categorie.
15 "Layout et template", here you will be able to assign the template category and options attached to it (eg number of words before the read more link, the main image size etc..)
In the template part you can control the display of fields. There are 2 different views:
Each template consists of position in which we can take care of the fields.
It is of course possible, and quite easily, to add positions to an existing view template to create these specific template.
A special position exists, RENDERONLY, this position can load fields will not be displayed but then use the PHP code can be used to make sorting conditions etc..
Ex : radio field (yes no value) position in RENDERONLY will create a loop that can determine whether an area is displayed or not. The possibilities are endless.
5 Templates |
Item view |
Catégorie view |
Blog |
Defaut |
items-tabbed |
Présentation |
Now you can edit your items to fill your fields.
The management is extremely powerful items in FLEXIcontent, you can achieve all kinds of action since the general picture.
For simplicity (it is a quick start guide ..) will be made a tutorial just on this point later.
Short description of the management table
Short description of the management table
In this table you can make full of action without having to edit your articles:
Icons |
Action |
Preview item |
update state of item wihout edit item |
order by drag and drop |
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