Hello we will study the relation field (relation reverse) of Flexicontent. This field is realy a powerfull field to create a link between multiple content. It is powerfull because it dynamic reversing ... in many extensions it only one way value. With flexicontent its a two way system.
We can use it for many thing :
- Artiste / Album / song
- User / Publication
- Showcase
- Product
- Forum
- Ticket system
- Job Board
We will study 2 cases, Artist directory, JobBoard.
Artist directory
It important to create a clean structure to use relation field. In this case we need to create 2 types :
- Artist for his photo, birdthay, city etc ...
- Album for jacket, title, duration, audio, date etc
- Create a type "Artist"
- Change title label for Name
- Change description label for Bio
- Add fields for Artist
- Portrait : image field in mono value
- Birthday date : date field
- Galerie : image field in multivalue + mix video and image
- City of birthday : text field
- Type of music : Textselect because is more flexible to add value in field
Now you can mix existing value and custom value !!
- Awards : weblink in multivalue
Allow adding image
set target
- Discographie : a relation field to Album type
- etc.....
- Create a type "Album"
- Add fields for Album
- Picture : image field in mono value
- Publication date : date field
- Productor : can be a text field or textselect field or an other relation field to a productor type
- Track name : text with fieldgroup option
- Duration : text with mask for time and fieldgroup option
- Author music : text fieldgroup option
- Author lyrics : text fieldgroup option
- Mp3 : for this we have a lot of solution ... (file field, text field with mp3 player plugin tec ...), i use file field
And i create template for display an mp3![2019-01-23_09h11_28.png](/images/2019-01-23_09h11_28.png)
- Tracks : now we can create fieldgroup with multivalue for all tracks, user can add many tracks easier
- Number of sales
- Artist : a relation reverse to Artist
Now we can set values in item ....
For Artist
And for album
And we can create a display
Comming soon
We can expand this concept with Musical Label, productor etc ...
Comming soon